dimanche 24 janvier 2010 01:17

i am finally able to rest at home now, with swollen feet and wounded hands. scalded myself again, and pull one of the tendons in the arm, again.
coming to think of it, i have spent nearly one and a half years at waraku to date.
through this eighteen months of working, a lot of things have changed, and a lot of dear friends have been made. it's kind of become like, somewhere i feel almost inseparable with.
somehow or rather, i have beeen rather willing to commit to this company.
i missed the old days when Heeren's outlet just opened, when Shinobu-san, Tomoko-san, and Kiyoe-san were all so kind and patient in their guidance towards me. back then, Heeren was really busy, with all the fun and loving part-timers and asisstant managers.
nowadays the outlet is barely surviving, with very bad sales as compared to before, and with an overwhelming horde of new part-timers, who aren't really fun at all.
i feel so damn tired every weekend, with the new part-timers who give you attitude, who don't commit, who don't give a damn for anything they do. sighs.
everything keeps changing, first shinobu-san and tomoko were transferred, followed by kira's resignation and victor's transfer. and then many others were transferred. here and there change abit, now even david soh is gone. it's become like a 180 degree change.
time waits for no one, time that has passed will never return.
soon, i will have to leave waraku for NS. whether or not i will return after two years, i'm still have mixed feelings about it. because, maybe in two years' time, joey, sishi, yvonne, sili, alvin, won't even be in the company at all. sighs, my dear dear colleagues, you have all become such important friends.
Libellés : :/, ALFRED, work
samedi 23 janvier 2010 02:46
i just felt my tooth hurt.
and then i touched it.
now, a shaky tooth and it feels pain, what can that be? there can only be one reason to that right?!
and of all teeth, it's the one in front?!
HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW. i brush my teeth daily, i'm not so much of a sweet tooth, and i always eat sugar free candy. HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!
i don't wanna wear dentures. please please please, let me be dreaming. :(Libellés : :(, ALFRED, depressing news, freak accidents
lundi 18 janvier 2010 02:17

sometimes when you happen to be a very interesting and fun person, people just can't get enough of you.
they may even go to the extend where they would STALK you, TALK to you everyday, WALK up to you everytime they see you,
the worst is, when they would hang around your social life so much, and want to know about EVERY SINGLE THING that you do, be it today, yesterday, tomorrow, this week, this month. or better yet, this LIFE.
when excessivity turns to obsessivity and then to psychosis.
i do not think i look good, but i supposed i am very fun to be with.
so fun that, you must know what i do, what i didn't do, what i ate, and even just talk to me, at least once a day.
if you need a prostitute, i will help you get one. if you need help, i will get you a counselor. if you are psychotic, i will call up the institute of mental health.
if you are persistent on squeezing your fat ass into my social life, or personal life. no TYVM. you are too big for it, stalker.
why? because you creep the fuck out of me, that's why.Libellés : :), ALFRED, weirdos
samedi 16 janvier 2010 01:34
before i begin, i would like to say that i do not know who's megan.
in fact, i have no idea what's a glimpse of megan, and i know no megans as well. (unless you count megan fox)
but this photo just reminded me of how i felt like a few hours ago. yes, a few hours ago my entire household's worth of electronics were staging a riot against me like useless retro electronics.
when the television set gives out sounds of the waves at the beach when you are watching an arson scene, when the dvd player shows pixel-ated screens of no matter which movie you try to watch, when the computer gives you hell.
just when i finished all the respective chores and cooked my gorgeous dinner, i had to eat it in stone cold silence. i was one second away from going crazy and smashing the television set, burning my laptop and stamping on the dvd player.
and then the tv switches off on its own. ON ITS OWN.
no, i;m not telling a ghost story, i'm telling you that if you have excess money, PLEASE BUY ME A NEW TELEVISION.
one that doesn't play the sounds of the sea waves when you watch shows like meercat manor.
one that doesn't make women sound like man breaking his voice, again.
one that doesn't switch itself off when you turn it on.
one that gives you hell but doesn't come with that axe you've been wanting to use to hack the tv into smithereens.
i swear i can breathe fire right now.
Libellés : ALFRED, explosions
vendredi 8 janvier 2010 01:28

it's the first week of school! and i decided to meet up, you've guessed it, CASSANDRA AND ABIGAIL! :))))
it has been a long time since we all sat together and had a decent meal. i definitely adored the times back when we were year twos, sitting in megabites watching abi gorge down her noodles and having her spit horlicks in my face and cass' food.
one year later and we're all separated from each other due to school, and attachment placings. abi and cass are both now working their asses off for the AVA and LONZA biologics respectively as interns. and cass is kind of living the life with the highest paid attachment allowance available amongst all the interns.
so anyway, we decided to meet up because abi and i still owed cass her birthday present, which we bought LAST YEAR and eventually collected dust at my house because abi silly couldn't decide when she was free enough to meet up. that aside, we had tons of fun just simply having dinner and chittering chattering away like little birds.

we took many photos, but these were the nicest cause most of the other photos had abi's mouth overflowing with food.
and yes dinner did last for quite a while because abi was late.
and you can tell from the above picture that she was really really very tired. so tired that, she kept harping on and on about "EH you'all should be honored cause i rush down straight from work!!!". so without much ado, she started stuffing food into her mouth and posing whilst i had the camera snapping away.
that was when the following dialogue occurred,
Cass: omg abi you damn poser now loh. POSER. keep on posing and posing and posing.
Abi: i where got pose! is he stuff the camera in my face then i got no choice but to pose what! then what you want me to do!?
**an expected rain of particles started flying out from, you should know who's mouth.**
Cass: eeeeeeek! omg lah abi. still as crazy.
oh and did i mention that while trying to get to Waraku Casual Dining at Marina Square's abi called me up and asked,
"Eh! where am i ah? How do i get to you'all???"
so yes, i'm getting her a brain for her birthday this year. just kidding abi! :)
Libellés : :), ABIWONG, ALFRED, BEST FRIENDS, BIRTHDAYS, poly friends
mercredi 6 janvier 2010 23:33

yes! it's the first week of the year 2010, and also the week back to my last semester term in school. and for most of whom have still been hanging around my blog, it's my first time blogging in proper since eons ago.
you were to ask if i have had any regrets in the past three years of my polytechnic life, no doubt there were ups and downs, but i do not live to regret. i live to better myself from it all.
and the question everyone's been wanting to know, what happened to me?
i have no idea really, right now, looking back at the past six months, everything's really just a blur.
it's not that i would choose to forget it all or anything, but back then, setbacks came like tsunami waves, crashing me every single time i fell, and no matter how i tried getting back up, i'd still flush down like a sandcastle.
six months before, i was happy. nearly a year back, i thought every single thing in my life was slowly getting back on track. but life always take us by surprise, so the higher my hopes were, the higher i fell.
but all that doesn't matter anymore, does it?
i have definitely changed, i obviously binge drink, hit the clubs additively and went back to smoking. for many, it seems like i have gotten worst, and perhaps screwed up in the eyes of others.
but i am happy where i am right now, with a close-knitted group of friends that honestly, i would still be afraid to lose, but definitely would want to gamble everything that i've got to walk down memory lane together with them.
school's kind of crazy. i'm kind of left with this horrendously empty timetable, with many thanks and gratitude to my dearest Dr. Forday Wayne Lee (note no sarcasm here), who gave me many chances and allowed me to make the most out of my life.
no doubt, i definitely struggled last semester, with one of the most packed and hectic timetable juggling more than three core modules. but it was all for the better to lessen my load in future as well, which is now.
basically i am currently only taking one core module and two sub modules along with my final year project (which is seriously a bitch, but with a doting supervisor i shall let it pass). and the classmates are just, dope. not to forget the year twos from the immunology class as well.
they are of course, a bunch of the most funtastic people who happen to like to disturb the elderly (a.k.a senior cross-streamers). apart from being a whole circus of orang kecoh dan giler satu hari, they brought about a lot of fun and laughter for me,weisheng and petrina.
yeah, in school now it's always the three of us, we even call ourselves the PAWS. (okay before weisheng starts yakking away, it's petrina and i who came up with the name) the orang kecohs refer to us as the three musketeers though.
and yes, did i mention? i'm much more sharpened at my malay language now. ;)
so, as you can see from the pictures, i would be stupid if i were to waste life emo-ing away everyday.
life is short, i should be enjoying, even now.
Libellés : :), A FOR ALFRED AND ALCOHOL, ALFRED, BEST FRIENDS, pennies for my thoughts, poly friends, school stuffs, we all love idiots
vendredi 1 janvier 2010 00:38

One day, Love and Friendship met.
Love asked, "Why do you still exist if I've already existed?"
Friendship replied, "To wipe away the tears when you left."
Well, i say :
One day, Friendship found Love.
Friendship asked, "Why do you always come after me?"
Love replied, "Because everyone's too blinded by their beliefs such that Love is often subjected to boundaries of gender, cultural, and even personalities.
Because friendship doesn't have to be subjected to perfection like Love."
this was a post that once made my viewership count on my blog rocket from an average of 25 views a day, to 55 views a day.
and in the mood of the new year, i would like to let this post start the year for me. :)
Libellés : :), ALFRED