samedi 27 décembre 2008 14:50
well, someone is jealoused, better come up with an isolated post for my dearie ouh bestie before she kills me with her bangs. oops, she already did.
and i really didnt forget okay, just that, no wonder i was thinking december 13th seemed rather important! but its ok, i am here now to love you, (bestie styled in case some longan comes to kill me), and also to hate your bangs.
P.S : until we meet up again, do, pretty please, bestie styled, GROW YOUR HAIR BACK.
Libellés : BIRTHDAYS
vendredi 26 décembre 2008 23:07
pffffft. i have got a fractured ankle, dropped out of my guitar performance because of my fractured ankle, but i still had to go for work on both christmas eve and day no thanks to my fractured ankle. and then i have failed papers and screwed up grades. life just doesnt get any better than this huh?
and no worries, aint no emo-lomo for me. will be back in action pronto once the laptop gets fixed and kissed up, this time, i want acer to compensate me if its the same problem as before. grrrrrr.
so tata and see you all soooon.
and in case you thought i forgot, nope i didnt!
sorry to be late, and sorry for not being there either, but love you guys! AND FINAALLLY YOU CAN START YOUR DRIVING LESSONS PLUS DRINK!
Libellés : ALFRED, BIRTHDAYS, explosions, freak accidents, out of the blue gibberishh, randomization
jeudi 18 décembre 2008 23:57
its not nice to tell someone who has had a hard day's work that he spends alot when in fact, the money that comes out of all that working shit, is simply used to pay for things that other people dont even have to bother.
i am so sick of paying. i am only eighteen, and i really want to tell them that i am in fact, really simply truly just eighteen and am unable to fend for myself paying for so many things and so many of my own expenses. that i simply want to indulge like all the other kids around me.
i envy kids that put out their hands and get stacks of cash without any effort. i envy those kids more when they tell me they are older than me.
sometimes i just cant help but wish for a different life.
sorry, but all i want to hear when i come home is a simple "tough day huh?"
anything other than that, you can keep it to your own mouth and let it stay zipped. because i dont like feeling old, i dont want to feel responsible, or independent. i should be right where i should be, irresponsible, irrational, wild and expensive, but at the same time, dependent.
its not like i dont llike to work or anything, i love service. but sometimes, you get sick of working every single day and not being able to enjoy yourself like others because they are ten miles away from fretting about paying their bills on time, saving enough money for laptop loans, saving enough money to ever simply, just pay for his own school fees. these things, are not nice to be worth mentioning. im tired, yes, but life goes on.
Libellés : explosions
mardi 16 décembre 2008 02:45
and the pigeon said, BULL'S EYE!
on my way to work today, right at the entrance of heeren, i busted out laughing at a pigeon as it bobbed its head away. i know, i know, im damn stupid. but i just can't stand the scene from BOLT. and that i have spent my past few days bobbing my head away at every word that i say, like a pigeonnnnn. lmao. this is all because of khalisah tan.
and so, in case some of you have not been over to facebook yet, well, i shall share with you the joy of the latest laughs amongst my friends regarding my pictures from the standard chartered run, taken by UNPROFFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS. arghs.
but yeahh, these are sure a damn hell of candid pictures.
and in case you were wondering, yes, i was really wanting to shit. thus probably bringing about that constipated look.
alright, let us all thank toh weisheng for posting my horrible moments on facebook.
facebook : one hell of a place for joy, embarassment, fun, embarassment, passing time, embarassment, anger, embarassment, sadness. need i say more?Libellés : ALFRED, freak accidents, out of the blue gibberishh, pigeons, randomization
lundi 15 décembre 2008 01:45
there was a screech of the knob and the door clicked shut. five minutes later i emerged with my spectacles fogged beyond fogged and my jaws unable to clench still all that profuse clattering caused by the coldness.
i thought i would have died, in the i-am-not-exaggerating-this-time-way.
yeahh, in case any of you guys were wondering what happened, well i got stuck in the freezer room at work today. with the temperature at a minus ten degrees and my lungs exhaling frozen mists of breaths, yeah i pretty much thought i was going to die if no one opened the door to find me trapped inside.
but at least i was calm enough to not pound and scream and claw the door like i was really going to die. so oh wells. not so embarrassing much.
too long out of the restaurant and i have rusted, badly. should let common test take all that entire credit too. for causing me to be immobile and super glued to the study desk for such a long week, where my reflexes simply shut down like a power failure as all my joints rust up like metal. my body totally weakened at work today and i nearly spilled a flaming pot at the customer's face.
the good news :
it landed on me.
the bad news :
it landed on me.
lighted fuel on your arm is practically like a ball of fire burning mercilessly on your arm. good thing the customer was understanding enough to know that it was not intentional, and that i was so freaking glad that the entire pot did not fall on her.
this is one bad week. :(
plus plus plus, i just came online to find weisheng gloating about posting my standard chartered run pictures on facebook. oh boy, tomorrow morning i will have comments as comments on how shit i look like. because i really do.
Libellés : freak accidents, not-so-good-news, work
samedi 13 décembre 2008 00:55
you are such a bitch,
you are so horrendously sickening and you piss me off every single second of my life.
how can you do this to me?!?!
how can you fail on me time and time again. such disappointment.
let's all not support starhub due to their loserism internet connections.
Libellés : explosions, out of the blue gibberishh
jeudi 11 décembre 2008 23:59
time : some time in the morning on wednesday
suspects : cassandra, khalisah, everyone's favourite alfred
venue : ngee ann plaza, right at the bus stop waiting for some bus i can't seem to recall for some unknown reason
topic : something random that khalisah turned around to tell me out of the blue
"the baby at her house is forrrrrrrrrrrever speaking to me in chinese"
"cause thats the only language he knows what!"
"but what do i look like, chinese??? he should know at least a bit of english!"
"learrrrrrrrrrrrrningggggg! he can say the names of shapes and numbers now!!!"
"and so he talks to me like, triangle square square diamond??!?! like what kind of a conversation is that??"
and so everything ends with a series of laughter taking up what, fifteen mintues?
and then my stomach cramped so much that evening that it told me how we shouldnt have continued talking about crazy stuff during the bus ride. and it all happened because i am now very much addicted to the one thing that the pigeons did in the movie BOLT, where they twisted and turned their little bobbing heads and went
"its gonna be huge man, huge."
and im just doing it every now and then, when i feel like it. cause its gonna be huge man, huge.
oh i jsut love my friends in school, its like they make me inhuman every single minute.
i have a paper tomorrow, but i raised the white flag some days ago. and as i was telling sharon, seeing that the paper would be in the convention centre, technically, i would have to bring a pillow along to waste some time. and well, in this case, you would be wondering why is there the need of a pillow?
and so first of all, to let you know, the convention centre has AWESOME air-conditioning, so i would need something snuggly for me to hold while sleeping. and second of all, i would be sleeping because, well, you cant jsut expect me to sit there and stare in shock at the paper right?
"well then i would be looking at you for entertainment"
"no you cant, cause they would probably catch us for cheating"
"cheating? how does that come in?"
"well, we would be caught for passing messages through the high frequency tones in our laughters"
oh i love my diabolical laughter, very much in deeeeed.Libellés : babies, BOLT, exams, pigeons, poly friends, randomization, shapes
mardi 9 décembre 2008 03:29
many of my classmates, friends and relatives hate me.
okay, rephrase; many many many and so so many of the people whom i know and who knows me hate me.
and one of the reasons why that would happen would be now.
that is because i am dipping chocolate-chip-opulent-cookies into my full cream milk right in the middle of the night, or morning, (whichever you call it since i cant be bothered anyway) at 3.30am. and i just ate some british chocolate mints. but look at me, i'm sleek and skinny as a bamboo.
so family and friends, go on and hate me while you worry about having huge asses and pot bellies. muahahahahahah.
okay, i supposedly finished studying biochemistry 30mins ago, but sharon jsut freaked me out by telling me that i missed out on eleven intermediates included under glycolysis.
oh noes.
Libellés : ALFRED, exams, food, out of the blue gibberishh
samedi 6 décembre 2008 00:19
and so Star Wars is coming to town.
alright alright, let us all leave that behind and pretend it never happened. goodness.
so today i went down to the expo to collect my goooooooooooodie goodie bag for the standard chartered race. i liked the singlet, i liked the oatmeal bar, but i hated the bag. hahahah.
it looks horrible. and i still hate it.
and seeing that i spent hours just to get down to the expo halls, and then back, i think i wasted a lot of time for just travelllinggggg. mehhh.
so many thanks to nicole for meeting me up at the expo, jsut so i wouldnt get bored nor lost at such a foreign place ( foreign place for me, a strictly west-side creature).
and then get this, i am actually feeling guilty now for not studying, because after that we headed down to causeway point and watched BOLT. yayness. loved rhino and loved mittens very much. miley cyrus was so recognizable, but very nice movie; and very effective at making me guilty for not studying.
so off i go to study, before anyone starts nagging or sighing at my slackish attitude towards school. oh i just cant wait for the holidays already.
im serious.
Libellés : BOLT, cats, exams, food, out of the blue gibberishh, standard chartered run 2008, star wars
vendredi 5 décembre 2008 01:01
this is very serious.
oh noes. britney's new album is actually not bad. this is very serious, very very serious indeed.
okay, to be honest, it is considerably good. and i respect her more now. seeing that she has gone through so much for someone her age, and to face the media at the same time. ouh wells.
i spent the last hour sitting in front of my computer, looking at my notes, juicing my brain, and drooling a downpour at the desk. how can this be happening. i have papers the following week, before that i have the standard chartered run this sunday. i am going to be so exhausted, and all the more i should be studying before hand just so that i wouldnt flunk my grades.
and the truth be told, i am not feeling a single ounce of fear or anxiety.
somebody, please somebody, just shoot me at the temple.
especially since my entire afternoon unbelievably floated off like a released balloon, while i imagined some very stolid robber snatching money off my hand on a rainy day, running off but slipping and falling on his ass. yes, that would be pretty stupid and amusing. and if i were to ever run into a robber, i would want to run into one like this one; so that i can slowly walk up to him, snatch my money back, and snort in his face.
alright, let's not allow my brain to relax anymore, i shall go back to my stack of blank notes. oh and, do wish me luck by the way.
Libellés : britney spears, exams, randomization
jeudi 4 décembre 2008 00:00
i found this really old post this morning, one that i wanted to post just for fun, but never finished it. pffft. so i hope you guys like it, even if it is incomplete.

'The Things I would Do to Catch Lewis'
Zooooooom! There goes the sound of my bike, for you see, I’m hunting down on my expeditious prey. With my heart thumping like how a crack-brained Peranakan would sound when she makes some serious belachan with her trusty pounder, my mind pictures my plan As and Bs so that I can get my diabolical hands on the supreme Lewis Hamilton. Yes, I am most categorically, and un-amusingly hot on my wheels on Mr Lewis Hamilton from the F1 league.
I would assure you that they are all fool-proof, with the hundred-and-one percentage of confidence that he will fall victim upon my predation. Yet, with all that frenzied commotion of his arrival, there is most definitely the very need to have a few, or maybe a million plan Bs to turn to in case my competitors attempt to ruin my traps.
For starters, I shall dig up a herculean hole, right smack in the middle of the race track. There is, of course, the need to hide this huge hole, so I shall fill it up with nescafé, since coffee's black anyways. Smart eh? Lewis shall be innocently racing his way into my trap on the day of the F1 race, right into my pool of coffeee.
If that's not enough, or in case some freak accident occurs, don't worry as my plan Bs are here...
And so it was supposedly supposed to be continued from there on, but i never got the chance to come round to it.. oh wells, at least i had fun typing out the first few paragraphs.
Libellés : lewis hamilton
mardi 2 décembre 2008 01:59
oh boy, this is going to be a long one.
the night before, gabrielle and i headed over to edmund's house to stay over for the night, since the coach was scheduled to leave at 6am in the morning.
"i am so excited for the trip right now" (ME)
"yeah! me too! i can feel my ed-dread-nal-nin (adrenaline) pumping throughout my body" (edmund)
"yepp, thats ed-dread-nal-nin for edmund alright" (ME)
"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" (gabrielle and ME)
and then before we know it, the sun was toasting my butt and onto the bus we went as our butts felt the tremendous bumpings as we headed straight for KL.
there were moments of annoyance as the fellow passengers were rude and inconsiderate, being all idiotic all the while throughout the trip there. ppfffft. but oh wells, who cares about them when we are suppsoed to be enjoying anyway.
yeahh, arrival at the Hotel Resort, and everyone hurried over to check in as it started to drizzle.
and that was what ugly uncle frog said from deep inside the "well". that was seemingly a form of welcome for me in Gentings, when i was supposedly in a very urgent mood to seek relief for my urine-overloaded bladder.
"edmund quick! hide me! i want to take a picture of this thing!"
*fumbles around in my pockets as the men coming in and out stared at me like some freak who jsut wouldn't walk away from the urinator*
"faster faster!"
"oh my god! i cant stand this!"
up the lift we went and the moment we stepped out of it, we were given a glimpse of how breath-taking this trip, this weekend getaway, would be. :)

and this is only just the beginning. :DDD
we spent the entire morning, and afternoon of the first day traveling on the coach with the entire tour group. in the evening when we were rested and bathed after checking into the hotel, we stomped our way into the outdoor theme park!
hence explaining the lack of photos, BUT BUT BUT, it was damn shiok and exasperating for all the rides. too bad sharon's migraine acted up, if not i might have wanted to do the rides all over and over again and again.
"hey edmund have you heard of Micheal Lernsturock?" (sharon)
"yeah! they are damn nice lah!" (edmund)
"yes their songs are damn rock" (sharon)
"and so i see why they have the rock in their names.." (ME)
"... ...??" (sharon and edmund)
*the next day*
"oh hey look! its their poster! MICHEAL LEARNS TO ROCK!" (sharon)
"oh! so they are not called micheal lernsturock?" (sadly, ME again.)
"oh gosh." (sharon)
exhausted and still mentally excited, we decided to sleep, as much as i didnt want to. halfway through the night, i caused an unexpected series of laughing spasm that lasted for a very long thirty minutes.

the next morning we woke up all excited and ready for the shopping waiting ahead of us! and then we walked past a stupid sign that read
and so we did.
so did our phones too, which we clicked till they nearly popped.
i think genting reminds me of the cartoon atlantis very much, its like most of the time, the theme park looks like it is just an island floating by itself in the sky, surrounded by clouds.
edmund and sharon taking a shot before we headed out for breakfast.
and then we took up some space in the middle of the walkway. thank god no one was walking past, we had a hard time trying to just get a proper shot.
and then another shot. :D
our breakfast at starbucks. damn cheap. like real cheap. i shall not name numbers in case carmen and jaslyn start ranting off again like old grannies complaining aabout a bad case of rheumatism.
on the way down hill and before sharon started to feel uncomfortable. HAHAHA!
humpty dumpty went down the hill...
and more nice views...
and then it was shopping haven! we spent the entire day in one single shopping mall and dont ask me about it. but we sure had a good twelve hour of running from store to store, and then stall to stall.
we dropped by MPH by the way. my LOVE~
the books there were so cheap, it was worth the money to even just buy the entire book store. found a present for jules here by the way, it was a baby album, just perfect for the new addition to the family in february.
so anyway, we also found this butterfly that was going to die soon and had rested by the bookshelves. poor thing. oh wells.
"ahhh ahhh! i want to take picture! oh my god my phone hang! ahhhh!" (ME)
"oh god, alfred the suah ku" (sharon)
"EH HELLO? i went taiwan before okayy" (ME)
"yeah but taiwan doesn't have the twin towers" (sharon)
"hahahahahah!" (edmund and gabrielle)
"bitch ass...." (ME)
"People were fucking and she was talking on the phone, like what the hell lah" (sharon)
"is it me, or did you just say fucking?" (ME)
"hahaha! yeah i thought i heard that too!" (edmund)
"what? why the hell would thought i said that people were...?" (shharon)
"oh god" (sharon)
"nobody's imagining sharon, nobody" (ME)
and so that night, we went back to our room with loads of food, and even the damn nice goreng pisang that were being sold for six ringgit every five pieces.
"hey sharon, what happened to the fifth goreng pisang?"
"eh, i have no idea. i thought every one took one each?"
"yeahh, but i saw the guy pack five of them in the bag."
" too! but weird ah, what happened to it siah?"
and so, now we know what happened to it.
the view from our hotel room of the outdoor theme park, not a very good view, but its nice with the passing cloud and all.
yet another view.
and we got to eat marry brown by the way.
its damn cute cause they wrap the rice up like little burgers.
and the chilli is really good too.
and so it came down to the last day, and boy am i finally glad to type till here okay.
we started camwhoring early in the morning, and i OBVIOUSLY was in the i-am-still-mentally-asleep-mood.
i am so weird in front of cameras mostly, and seriously.
and so are they. hahahaha.
finally one good shot to wrap things up.
oh and let's not forget the many silly things that says "gabrielle is silly".
and off for a little morning shopping and brunch.
while waiting for edmund's much awaited xiao long bao, he fell asleep by the table, and fell prey to my camera.
sharon and i ordered something chilly for the morning. talk about being insane. the weather was damn cold and we still munched down on ice. crazy or what. im betting crazy.
and yeah, gabrielle was eyeing it too. maybe she was crazy too.
and then it was time to say goodbye to my much loved genting and to head off to wait for the bus. we had a ball of a time watching edmund playing around with his illegimate daughter.
nahh, its jsut his little cousin. but he would make a good dad material seeing the way she totters along behind him like a little chick.
and alas, on the bus and puffy eyed and almost as good as dead.
and then pictures of the sky and clouds.
more of it.
and eventually, till the sky dimmed and this was my last photo.
oh and allow me to introduce you to sarah, edmund's little cousin. who loves me very much too. HAHAHA!
she is damn cute. and damn attitude too.
that's all folks! and thanks for surviving this post. im betting its my longest.
Libellés : ALFRED, out of the blue gibberishh, overseas rampage, poly friends, randomization