dimanche 30 novembre 2008 23:31
i am sick of everything.
well, it could be anything.
samedi 29 novembre 2008 09:27
i guess not many of you guys out there has a friend whose email goes all
you are such an ass man. from calling people moron to slapping nicknames of female dogs in their faces, being the moron you are. goodness gracious me.
anyway, so i spent the night over at jessie's! with shida, chanyiting, amanda, melissa, wenrui, joehan, and of course jessie.
we watched movies like we never knew television existed. and i presume Across the Universe murdered the whole lot of us. it was a never-ending movie that freaked the hell out of my life with all the Beatles songs going on and on and on. with lesbians and weird ass fantasies. it felt like i was watching the longest mtv music video ever, in my entire life.
and we watched Sound of the Music too. goodness. what happened to our hip and modern life? i have no idea man. no freakinggg idea.

oh and we did a little paint job on the com and ggot raja eleven kaishuins. i seriously think i am damn mean and horrible. and this photo is ancient. i hope nobody finds out that i was in it too.
but oh wells, we had a good time laughing at it. like seriously. cause im still laughing at it now.
vendredi 28 novembre 2008 22:02
and so someone hits you with a statement that left you feeling raped?
then you probably looked like this, well, at least that's how i would imagine myself to look like. i think this thing is damn cute. i hope it is still up for sale when i get my own house though, cause i would love to have my kitchen filled up with little knick knacks like this one over here.
anyway, i chanced upon the "Funny Quote of the Day" jsut the other day and loved it.
it said :
"men who say that they can see through women, are sure missing a hell alot of things"
its a kind of a raw joke, but you have got to admit, its funny.
its my one hundredth post today. its an anniversary. its a rejoice. lmao.
jeudi 27 novembre 2008 23:37
"first you compare it with a candle.."
"then you compare it with a lighter.."
"and finally you compare it with a lighted candle!"
sometimes i have doubt in my choice of friends, but im cool with everyone, so you know. but i love all my friends alright.
and so anyways, in case you have absolutely no idea where we went today, we escaped from IS and went down town to surprise a little somebody.
she was surprised alright, and she better stayed that way! i had a hard time coordinating everyone as our entire clique consisted of two groups, and being the middle man, i feel squashed in betweeeen. hahaha.
oh look at sharon go all excited and overwhelmed with emotions.
and this was the frigging exppppppppensive cake.
alright, i know im supposed to blog about my genting trip, and that i see edmund frequenting my blog almost every other hour just so that he could take a look at what i blogged about, but as much as i want to finish it, each time i see the long list of photos, i jsut lose the mood. even though im pretty much at the last chapter. hahaah!
so edmund dear, stay anticipated. it will come soon. :D
mercredi 26 novembre 2008 14:19
it was after lunch with kendrick, khalisah, cass, and sharon.
and so we committed stupidity as an act of crime, once again.
*enters lift with a group of stranger dudes*
"eh which floor huh?" (sharon)
"i think its fifth" (ME)
*presses the fifth button and the door closes*
"no wait it should be the third" (khalisah)
"quick quick! press for the third floor! faster faster!" (ME)
"omg omg omg!" (sharon and cass)
*presses the fourth, the second, AND THEN FINALLY the third button*
"oh shit!" (sharon)
*a series of laughter and the awkward glances from the dudes*
"okay, this is so embarassing" (ME)
"yes this IS embarassing" (sharon)
*dudes laugh awkwardly*
"im so sorry, my friends are stupid" (ME)
*and then they laugh again*
seriously, WHAT WERE WE THINKING?!?!
lundi 24 novembre 2008 23:55
and i know you all missed me.
so anyways, i have alot of photos to upload and alot of funny incidents to blog about regarding our stay in genting. but not now, not when i can still feel my head shifting to the left as though i am still on the coach, where its making its right turn while going dowm to KL from genting.
i think we spent the last eight hours on the coach moving and moving while my butt decomposed.
and give me a few hours while i mourn over not bringing enough money to shop too.
samedi 22 novembre 2008 01:16
"I'll never break your heart"
"I'lll never make you cry "
"I'd rather die than live without you "
"I'll give you all of me "
"Honey that's no lie "
it was like waking up in a nightmarish horror with that song smack stuck in my head. male voices echoed like they were meant to haunt, and their adam apples were apparently still at work right at the opposite block.
it was 3 am in the morningggg. who the hell sings at 3 am in the morning? please dont tell me that people at the other end of the equator do sing at 3 am singapore time in the morning as that would be stupid. now dont be stupid. i suspect they were probably a bunch of lone souls who were desperate for love. oh despos, being in their mid-twenties and having nothing to their names. dont even let me get started on that. and the thought of that shudders not just my body, but right down to my teeth i can definitely feel the chill.
isshhh. men with nothing better to do in the middle of the night terrorises me, it almost gives me a vision of myself ten years later. but rest assured as i would definitely be eating if i dont have the mood to sleep.
so anyway, i spent the last few days in class practically coming up with new appellations for replacing the words "lazy" , "mean" and "Zac efron" . hence we decided on carmen being the new lazy, alfred being the new mean and edmund being the new zac efron. and then we spent the next few days going on and off about not being so carmen and trying to be less alfred too. and for the record, no one's being edmund since he is the only one who is very, very, edmund. you know i know lah huh? hahahaha.
and carmen totally freaked and spent nearly every second trying her very best to just simply convince us that carmen is "something much nicer and something which she apparently couldnt recall what is for the moment". oh, carmen, we know, you are huge assed lazy, its a fact. we all know.
five hours down the road and i would be off on my way to genting trip. and this would be my virgin trip. i need to emphasize this as someone somewhere told me that there is an importance in emphasizing virgin trips...
well, i have never been to genting. and this time it would be with edmund, sharon and edmund's friend, gabrielle. this is exciting because i have never seen genting in my entire life, and that i would be having fun with my friends, over the huge ass weeekend.
so dont miss me guys, i will be back soon so no worries, unless i get into some freak accident such as getting my head cut off, or being preserved like a mummy or even get turned into a bog body. okay, too much tess geritssen much. lmao.
so, love me while im gone. its okay, i know, im way too important for all of you.
vendredi 21 novembre 2008 01:23
and so i have found time today to dig up some old photos dating back to nearly two months back, when i still had time to go out and partttyyyy during my seven week break previously.
i found the sinister dolly attached to the walls of COTTAGE WAFFLES PLACE down at suntec while hanging out with yiwen. sometimes i wished that A&W can still be found locally, jsut like the old days of our childhood when waffles could be purchased at fast food in a relatively huge ass sizes. so anyway, during our visit to the scarce and exclusivve waffle place, we realised that they had this really cool thing where you draw on post-its and you get your trophy art work displayed on their walls (kind of like island creamery, but just not photos).
and i am still very much intrigued to find out who the heck really did draw that sinister doll anyway.

and so, yiwen and i were in a little arty mood, and we got down to our colour markers and started doodling away. i cant seem to find yiwen's master piece, but here's my dumb little drawing. hahaha.
and then there was also the sentosa outing with sharon edmund and jaslyn. which kendrick was supposedly to join us, but ended up having a "fever". a "fever" which, i still dont think i will truly expect it to not be a fraud in any other way.
but oh wells, it was still a fun day, and you can see that, judging from sharon constantine's "smile like the sun never shone before" face. and truly it was a fun day alright.
i would do it again you know, but i would skip the part where we ate chilli tuna sandwiches and chilli fried rice under the desert sun like we were totally not affected by it at all. but i guess it did, since the spiciness of the food could have been the reason why jaslyn wound up with such an affright of a sunburn.
and so moving on to the next event, it would be the CAROUSEL RAMADAN BUFFET at ROYAL PLAZA HOTEL. and it was totally free. now thats something that interest ALFREDS alot. the food was not say, luscious and salivating, but it was considerably worth it for something free and for something that you can eat till you drop, and i mean, literally drop.
however, with good free food, comes a good long queue. so we took the fun of fooling around whilst waiting for the damn meal.
and it was worth the wait! i bet the hotel staff wasnt all prepared to see me there though. they had food of all various cultures and flavours, it was like being immersed in the rainbows of gourmet delights. there were so many choices, yet so little time. but of course, there was more than enough space in my body to stomach down all that glorious food.
french pastries like scones, muffins, bread pudding, shortcakes.
small cakes that welt your appetites and along with malay kuehs and even cheese cake.
local dim sum and unique pratas that came in durian and satay flavours.
the hot favourite at toa payoh, ko rou bao.
mee goreng, sugar cane prawns and dorayaki tempura.
kueh pie tie, ppizzas, char siew pasttry, and even banana prawns.
pumpkin pies, more cheesecakes, malay kuehs and even fruits like kiwi.
more desserts, more cream, more tender sweetness.
and the one thing that caught my eye, chocolate fondue.
yes, the one fountain that we all wouldnt mind swimming, bathing, soaking in. the one fountain that steals everyone's breath away.
and also a DIY ice kachang station.
but the syrup was a little on the diluted side though.
and that is probably much of the end of my entire holiday. i spent the last few weeks starting work and the buzz followwed on and, pffft.
oh wells, i have finally accomplished the task of blogging about these photos which i uploaded onto photobucket weeks and weeks ago.
i need to sleep now since my entire sleep the previous night was, much to my annoyance, disturbed by a bunch of dudes in their mid-twenties. you would probably wonder why i say they were in their mid-twenties, but judging from the songs they sang, i am very much certain they were in their mid-twenties. as much as i would like to praise them for sounding as good as an A cappella, but i would say that practising your vocals at 3 am would not seem to be the right thing to do huh.
i shall blog more about this tomorrow. my head still rings from their bloody pitchy voices.
jeudi 20 novembre 2008 10:11
okayy, i have been meaning to blog about this since forever, so here goes!
"uncle get me to orchard please"
"orchard is it? okay"
*drives off*
like a signature trademark, the taxi choked in thick fumes of pandan leaves. there was a small but significant card that hung at the corner of the wind screen.
all it said was :
You are traveling in comfort with
Koh Hung Kwang
and fifteen minutes down the road, we were still not yet reaching the highway. hands clammy and anxious not to be late, i got irritated and rushed the driver. what i got in return was the snap of an old man's dentures in my butt.
"i dont do rushing, i go law by law okay. i am not like those drivers who get manipulated by spoilt little rich children jsut because they want to get to their destinations faster, i stick to the rules and that is that. no rushing."
*ouhhhkay, whatever*
five minutes passed and we finally hit the highway, with the vehicle going steady at 60km/hour, i was uber pissed up. because the rules didnt say taxis have to stick to a 60km/hour speed, and because the driver was simply wasting my time, and wasting my money, by charging me extra, by slowing down before each traffic junction, jsut so that the price on the meter tick like a happy cricket.
i simply did not pay for this, i simply did not flag down a cab and expect to find myself trapped on the highway with a greedy old pirate.
seriously, taxi drivers should have realised by now that they are only important for the fact that they can get us to our destinations pronto! its not like we would choose to flush our money down their meters like toilet bowls swallowing shit. and the way they get all proud about being "important". pfffft. i cant believe this.
but that was two months ago and so heck it.
i love james morisson now. he is now part of my KTtunstall-JASONmraz-COLBIEcallait-clique. i think i jsut dig indie singers, very much in fact. and the fact that the fonts are so small are cause im so shy to say this out loud. HAHAHA.
and right now i am so eggcited because i cannot wait for genting. will be going with edmund and sharon. sounds like fun already. and although not very nice, but edmund's aunt will be paying for the transport, lodging and food. which is like, a lot of money. i dont feel nice, but i sure will give his aunt a HUGE ASS hug when saturday comes.
and there will be pictures, of places and food, also sharon and edmund and me, but still will have more pictures of food and places.
and and i am kind of contented now, the way things are. i am actually glad the five of us wound up in the same class jsut like year one. it feels so familiar, and happy. i guess it pretty much doesnt matter if this semester was a busy and crazy and chaotic one, but it sure seems more fun and exciting than all the other.
i should jsut learn to be contented more easily, way long ago.
mercredi 19 novembre 2008 22:06
in case i get a riot on my tagboard, i reckon it's about time that i blogged. it is not like i went on hiatus on purpose though, but it was because the new semester has been hard to cope with work around and all. and trust me, i have been meaning to blog for a real long time.
and so finally this week, i took time off work, and abandoned that long list of work awaiting for me to accomplish. i have probably never been slacker in my entire poly life, and eat this, i am going to genting this weekend. i am going to leave behind everything just for this week, just to get a little rest. and probably face that stack of post-its on my wall when i come back. because i cant be pretty much bothered anymore.
and i hate this but, i jsut would like to make it clear to someone, about "the shit that i am involved in".
i have to work, to pay for my laptop loan with ngee ann, to pay for my fraud bills from starhub, to pay for the debts that i owe people.
at work, in order to achieve a better pay, in order to not get eaten by competition, i have to give my all, i have to work extra hard, just so that i can get my pay raise faster, jsut so that life can be much more easier.
at home, my mother falls ill with a ridiculous illness, and our family falls into a financial crisis, and i work even more than i can already afford jsut so that i can afford to make her medical bills less baleful. and soon, i may have to start paying for my own school fees.
in school, i am constantly struggling to maintain my gpa, and with each semester, it gets all the more impossible for me to do it like usual; with a horrendous project partner, with me counting only on myself trying to complete nearly everything within the deadline; with an idiotic lecturer giving a quiz every week, a quiz that i am always either unable to attend, or to even do properly, because i do not have the time to study for it, or even to simply attend it, with me waking up late.
i work four days a week, i forsake my entire weekend, and i am still called lazy. i wonder why.
i have never asked for all this. but this is life and i have to accept it. throughout all this, the slightest bit when i complain about it, people say that i am whining like a kid, and now you are telling me its shit.
all we did was to be concerned. thank you for taking it all for granted. thank you for your pretty blunt comment.
i am tired, really tired, fucking tired. but at least i dont compare. and honestly i would give up anything to have people being as concerned about me as they are about you.
i have no mood to blog already. seriously.
lundi 10 novembre 2008 01:03