mardi 30 septembre 2008 00:26
ever wondered if a certain word you have never came across truly existed? ever thought about a word that seemed nugatory to you yet holding an impact that sweeps you off your feet when you know of its true meaning and prominence?
well i did.
and it happened this morning when i came across Mr Santos' random yet meaningful tag on my tagboard. Mr Santos' all the way from Portugal, was spreading the word of fighting paedophilia.
each night we sleep with ease under our blankets, yet little do we know of the hundreds of children and toddlers that go missing from the heartlands of their hometowns who wind up in a dark room with a psychotic individual, and of how many of them eventually end up in soil and bones, lost for an eternal from the warmth of their parents.
fight paedophilia, keep our children safe, even if they were your next door neighbours' kids.
lundi 29 septembre 2008 01:24
so far so goooood.
i was just told hours ago that i MAY be able to get a pay rise by the next month. and today was only my fourth day at work. how gorgeous is that.
i am going to prove myself to the whole world that i am a very good service staff. i am going to show it that gyu-kaku made the mistake of ever disappointing me in which inducing me to quit. ( long story for those who have question marks hanging over their heads )
this is my pride and i want them to regret. pfffft.
but either way, lets not get too proud yet. i can already see my nose scratching the butts of the ceiling. i shall work hard and at the same time bring you more fun-o-rostic events of my life. watch me rock and roll man.
okay enough of acting cool, i may jsut end up as some fridge with horrendous fridge magnets plastered all over my face. gosh. time to turn off the lights.
dimanche 28 septembre 2008 01:20
five minutes ago i felt my pulse thumping in my feet as i stood unbalanced on the bus while on my way home. it was as though any minute then someone could have stepped on mmy feet and watch it fulminate in sprays of blood.
now at home, i am jsut waiting for the moment where my toes simply run off , scattered all over the floor and looking back with tearful eyeballs screaming in goth. any minute now, they may just prance off and look for new owners. toes any one? i have ten right here waiting to serve you on immediate notice.
tight small black shoes can kill. i swear.
i have been steady at waraku, not making mistakes and not getting slaughtered. but yet i must emphasize the fact that the presence of snobbish seniors can be such abhorrence at times. how excrutiating.
there was a man sitting beside me on the bus just now and boy did he have goggling eyeballs. in fact they were aiming with spark in the direction of a lady's bosom. how i wished the bus jerked and his eyeballs would fall out, leaving him in a frenzy of craawling all over the floor looking for eyeballs trampled by the many others whom made the bus an exact replica of a tuna can. but no, if the bus jerked, i would have been irked by the shower of saliva stored rimful in his mouth, threatening to overflow any second.
pffft, late night buses.
oh my toes, there they go. alright, off to catch some toes.
mercredi 24 septembre 2008 00:53
and so it's the attack of the pilot shades...
trying our very best to look like those stupid kids who try acting cool on orchard road.
shades are expensive, they are only needed when you are standing in front of the spotlight.
and that's how i convince myself.
starting work tomorrow! my fingers are so nervous that they are screaming in goth. oh i can see myself spilling hot occha on customers and slapping udons into the poor souls' faces. i shall try not to get tempura stuck in anyone's bee-hived-styled head.
point for you : rich and obnoxious women tend to carry off the bee-hive-head look. i guess marge simpson does have an impact on humans after all.
mardi 23 septembre 2008 00:01
"drink it honey! the weather is so hot, it's good for you."
*man calls for coffee-uncle and insists on ordering his teh peng (iced tea)**
*woman waves the man away**
"uncle, no need, no need."
"drink it! it has no preservatives or artificial colouring."
"but whhyyyy?!"
"because i love you."
the very first time i chanced upon this advertisement was when i just came home from a major buffet binge. i never returned from the toilet until four thousand years later, with some serious repulsive vomiting ongoing. ok, so it was not as exaggerating as i mentioned, but this advertisement is one appetite ruin-er.
with that disastrous aunty saying i love you to her boyfriend, with her disastrous pouts. i would rather godzilla stepped on my roof and trampled me like mochi.
for once, i am not complaining about singapore's local media copying other countries' advertisement storyboard, but instead, a lightbulb goes on in my head telling me that NO WONDER WE HAVE COPIED MEDIA PRODUCTS. oh boy oh boy.
what is coming to this world.
73 words
lundi 22 septembre 2008 15:30
like a kind of a childhood reminisce, with every song seemingly etched into the storeroom of our memories. it was all the forgotten fun and smiles, all that plain melodies that were hummed over and over again, all the lyrics that were so simple and yet everything that we wanted to say.
mamamia was a hit. not jsut any hit, but it was one that served as a time tunnel. one that brought us back to the yellowed photos and the black-and-white television screens. there was that sweet familiarity with each song singing out a chumminess of memories, yet so distant. it is a really good movie, weaving every song of ABBA into place, bringing out all our childhood memories of our mothers humming as they baked, when our aunties and uncles still seemed so disgustingly young and full of life.
make-up seems to be a girl's everything. yet once you embark on the journey of applying powder onto your face, you will be on a road of no return as your skin grimace in suffocation. so start right and use some good make-up. hop over to

for something good and selling for a limited time only. maybe you might even find that dress you have been dreaming about all night long. alright, give me my 10% commission now! hahahaha.
dimanche 21 septembre 2008 01:51
like a horror film creeping up on its victims in their theatre seats, the alphabets on the screen took their turns forming a backseat vintage thriller in her mind. it could have been a regular saturday night for the boys and girls out there, a perfect saturday night fever frenzy perhaps. and yet, back home, a horror film was taking place on its on, in a R rated kind of tactic.
i was sadly, the victim of this elm street repugnance.
i for once, was chosen to be shared with the great fun of having an online entertainment served right to your doorstep, no no, computer screen. like i mentioned previously, there was something exciting going on. and so it seemed. a young man of eighteen was sexually harassing a close friend of mine, who was years beyond his age. what did he do, well cover your ears if you cannot take a major scurvy down your guts for this young man of eighteen was masturbating over a webcam conversation. i can see it now, people lighting themselves on fire and screaming WTF.
and yes, masturbating, not master-bedding nor mustard bathing, but masturbating.
ouh the brains of the youngsters these days, not like im very old, but im probably an eighty-one living in the null shell of an eighteen, and still shocked at the boldness of a fellow eighteen. the things they do, no longer the classic act of blushing and shying away with their horribly tucked in shirts. instead they whip their guns out in broad midnight and goes to town shooting it away over the internet terrorising old women.
and yes i see it, in the near future, eight-year-olds will be whipping their guns out in orchard road and shooting their mothers with it.
the irony of growing up. our bodies are all too matured for our own good.
samedi 20 septembre 2008 02:25
im getting excited on my blog llike an old woman being fed tutu kuehs.
vendredi 19 septembre 2008 23:59
and so it was the forgotten promises and the missing showroom. i have a new job, i shall work hard.
anyways, pictures from the previous few outings, the older ones. lmao. i know i know, kill me for not blogging huhs? i feel so old now, lock me up. go ahead and lock me up like how your mother did to your grandad in the attic. HAHAA.
okayy, so there was cake, and cream and alot of strawberry jam. it was obviously someone's birthday.
this idiot's birthday in fact.
but nicole lim qian hui was jealoused.
cause she got couple sitting beside her. HAHAHA! they really look like those couple who quarreled.
and then after dinner at waraku pasta we went for a little concert at esplanade baybeats.
purrrrformance by the lucksmiths. their songs are nice.
and we played fireworks thingy.
and i realised that while taking this picture yongming was trying to light his stick up with mine's fire! hahahaha, so dangerous lah, i almost burnt up the superstar. lmaos.
and we formed the guest of honour's name.
and got her to pose like an idiot, the one that she usually is.
and outing number two! coloured plates tell you that i went...
loads of fried hotate..
and tempura..
and potato croquette!
and yucks tofu. stupid chen yaan went to order. bleahh.
and last picture. ok i sound boring! i know i know, but no moood. hahaha, especially when something is happening RIGHT NOW!
mercredi 17 septembre 2008 12:59
there was a rather musty and stenched feel to the toilet. it felt different than usual. like walking into a different room, like entering a dungeon. and before the senses come tingling into place, my feet stepped smack right into a puddle of textured water. textured, viscous, and wet. my gut feeling tells me it was not just the water you find poured all over the floors of your basic household toilet. somehow, it felt like it had a pulse.
eyeballs goggling, with my nose all cramped up and face forced into a muscular dysfunction, i stared down at the puddle of fresh redness creeping under my foot, diffusing itself, slowly, yet in that mysterious wisp kind of way, down into the drain. blood was trickling from under my foot.
and you would have thought it was or could have been some murder, or say, a piece of forgotten glass left on the toilet floor. none of the above.
in my most irritated mood, i gathered up all the energy clam-shelled in my lungs and yelled.
oh periods. they do not jsut irritate our female associates, sometimes, they tend to creep up behind you and make your brother yell like a chicken locked up in its pen with a butcher holding his chopping knife.
its the time of the month, yepp, the very fine time of the month. although i do not feel the pain, but i do abhor its existence too, sometimes. and just so you know, my sister did not bleed that much, she just forgot to wash it offf after bathing. i guess it happens, just that only girls will know that very well.
i vaguely remember, actually, i clearly remember that i had a few promises on updating. HAHAHAHA, but hell, sometimes its jsut very hard to keep to your schedule. but pictures from the previous few outings will be up soon. stay tuned, stay hungry.
vendredi 12 septembre 2008 22:31
there was that moment of serenity, along with the satisfactory enjoyment of the music playing on the laptop. all that was erased within a split second, as a ball of light swarming in with queer festive music suddenly came stunningly into view right smack at my face. with a reassuring look, i realized that the intruder was my dad, holding one of those plastic lanterns that kids play with these days.
as though he had not acknowledged my "what-the-barbecue-fiesta-goodness-gracious-#@$%$#-!" face, he proceeded to demonstrating how the lantern can also move on the floor, and started "walking" it like a dog. before the fifty short seconds of the previous revolting scene could be digested by my brain, my mother came in with yet another plastic lantern and started hovering it over my head.
there was diabolical laughter, blood, terror; death.
nahhh. guess it must have been a full moon tonight, but i could have sworn that i would have nearly died of a heart attack if my parents did that in public. anyways, thanks for the well wishes of friends, today i am finally much better. in the lest, i can talk now. hehs.
expect a long chatty post tomorrow! because this time, i'm going to be fit and healthy to type it out.
jeudi 11 septembre 2008 23:59
four days in bed, a tormenting ninety-six.
four days of pain, like a cactus stuckk in the throat.
my fever has finally come down today, yet the damn sore throat is still there. my adam apple's a major swell-up and i can't talk for pete's sake.
every sip of water every nibble of food, brings pain and endless pain to my throat as i struggle to swallow down my miserable source of energy. i cannot take this anymore, its too much to handle. i just hope someone will come up to me somewhere and heal me on the spot.
because i am not exaggerating, that's why i clearly feel my fingers tremble in pain each time i try to swallow a little water.
mardi 9 septembre 2008 23:14
like a hammer ramming against the skull, each beat of my pulse throbbed along the pain that was seemingly amplifying on its own accord by the minute. the sun's glaring rays proved detriment to my condition as they tried their very best to pry open my eyelids. never in my life, have i ever felt such odium to be forced to wake up, because simply, my body cant move without having pain biting onto every bit of my body.
with a blistering temperature of thirty eight point eight, my body lay flaccid and motionless. the past two days were unbearable as i felt the pain etched across my muscles, as my skin tightened like a balloon ready to burst. i have fallen.
i know i did make the promise to update in the previous post, but somehow a series of bad luck came tumbling down on me. for the first time in thirty over hours, i got off my bed. that was how bad things got.
there is that dreaded feeling in my mind each time i tried to take in any form of food, be it liquid or solid. and yes, my throat is swollen like how it probably feels when you stuff a bullfrog down someone else' mouth. if it was a bullfrog, i would have wished for it to simply hop out of my throat, instead of staying stuck down there. please do pray for me. :(
but rest assured, the temperature has gone down sincee, and once i'm better, there will be tons of pictures. so stay tuned. :)
samedi 6 septembre 2008 02:36
there was a man with his shirt that read " BLOGGERS SUCK "
i was about to walk up and bite his head off. but on second thought, he might taste too horrible for me. i promise a post tomorrow. i swear.
quote of the day by yanling :
"i dream of a dream."
what else can one dream about? hmmmmmmm.
mercredi 3 septembre 2008 00:00
in honour of tayhuimin's old blog, that has succumbed into being a blanked white site.
kids wearing jumpers suits labeled "inspirations" are running all over the floors of my brain. i have the urge to blog, but yet my brain is telling my to stare at the computer screen until it sizzles and goes pipity-popity in my skull like popcorn in the microwave oven.
oh god, the kids are pooping all over the place, i better go catch some inspiration.
mardi 2 septembre 2008 00:54
"one garlic chicken cutlet please."
"what?!? im sorry miss, there is no such thing, please take a look at the menu properly."
with a look of utmost grotesque, the girl turns behind and gives her brother a look of bizarro, probably thinking that the hawker was mad. that girl was my sister, and as i showed her a look of doubt along with my shrugged shoulders, my sister made a point to double check with my mother's choice of the menu. and that was when my mother went :
"there! garlic chicken what! where got don't have!"
*points to the bottom left corner of the menu with great confidence**
both my sister and i made a double check with the part of the menu my mother had pointed to, it said grilled chicken chop. the people standing behind in the queue laughed.
oh mothers~
i lovee my mum, i guess she just makes me go all cupful of mixed emotions.
anger, hunger, annoyance, cuteness, comedy and innocence all blended into a salad of my everyday life. what can be better than spending quality time getting annoyed and teased by our mother's many antics, i wonder.