mardi 29 juillet 2008 00:52
we will be moving on in life, but we will not forget what happened. because it all happened for a reason, it all comes to one thing, it teaches us something. and yes, she will be in our hearts even though we have moved on.
just heard about the news that another fellow schoolmate from my batch has committed suicide. not exactly sure about what, about why, about where and about how. but it has been a sad loss. rest in peace, xinzhong. :)
by the way, have any of you guys watched the national day's music video for this year? if not, why dont you guys take a look-see via the link below then. and tell me if anything pisses you off.
so how was the darn video? well, i initially wanted to find the hady one, but the chinese version will do. its the same anyhow, not that i have something against the singers for this year, but the thing is, the bloody scene about the little girl drawing the red star is such a bloody copy cat act. apparently, a similar scene showing a boy drawing pitched black pictures piecing up together to form a whale has been used for an advertisement in Tokyo, Japan.
i dont understand why, and i refuse to listen to how, you people (the idiotic producers) are going to explain about the fact of why must you use a japanese advertisement as a basis for our NATIONAL MUSIC VIDEO? it doesnt mean that if you change the boy to a girl, that if you change the black colour to red, and that if you change the whale to a star; it would be called for as originality.
if so, i would deem you as BRAINLESS.
in the least, it doesnt even make sense after you have changed much of the plot, what has a red star got to do with our national day? if you drew the national flag, im ok with it. but you drew a stupid red star, maybe it signifies the fact that singapore is a small but shiny red star, but this shiny red star, has been depicted as nothing but a piece of copycat thrash. you people, the producers for this particular music video, have no basic common sense, neither do i see the fact that you have any single bit of originality, but at the same time, you have disgraced the whole of singapore, and you have humiliated my idea of my presence of living in singapore.
what the heck, the worst was that the entire red pieces of drawings that the girl drew, made up a tiny little star, in the least, the japanese advertisement had done their very efforts to respect the advertisement by piecing up hundreds of pitch black drawings, to form a large scaled whale drawing. and even though you copied the darn advertisement, you did not even give any basic respect to the video by creating a large scaled star-whatever-shit-it-is-drawing.
no common sense, no respect, no originality, and no bloody speciality towards your music video made.
im saying this not because im a pain in your asses, but im saying this because there are japanese tourists, permanent residents, and whatsoever staying in singapore right now. what do you think they would think when they see this video being publicised locally? and lets not forget the fact that we do have singaporeans studying in japan, working in japan, and many other kinds of attachments or internships. what do you think would be their feelings when they see this video being posted on youtube while they are staying in japan? do you even think they would be in the mood to be patriotic? what would they all think? i seriously cant imagine, at all.
you have been given the task of improvising and creating new and inventive videos that are different from each year's national day parade tribute videos. i understand that there could be probably more than a hundred different videos done over the years, but of all things, you cant come up with your own idea, but instead you went ahead and copied another country's idea for an advertisement? you would choose to humiliate our country rather than allowing us to feel that this coming August is actually a very special month as excitement and anxiety fills the atmosphere while everyone prepares to be patriotic for the very one month of the year?
good job you low-rated producers. good idea, nice move, and i await to see our country get laughed at by another fags.
seriously, if you dont have what it takes, then dont say that you can do it. maybe the government is not paying you enough, or that they dont even pay you, but you have totally pissed me off. i dont understand why is it that every year the government makes a big deal out of our national day, but yet can still overlook such a stupid thing. goodness, do you people have hay for your brains? whatever.

anyways, the other day we were back to nanhua, and we took pictures. :) boy have i lost weight again. :/ thank you nicholas chan, for saying what you said and probably meaning it too. yeahh, touch wood touch wood, but i am actually really scared. after so many things that have happened this week, i dont think i can take the idea of another friend leaving without notice again. im so scared, that i may disappear without a word too, and that i may never get to see my friends again.

and i am very skinny now, been sick for three weeks and still counting. i dont think i can lose another kilogram. :( but nevertheless, it was fun taking pictures with weixin, and nicholas at the back.

anyways, i found this sexy girl at my house's void deck. pretty, pregnant, lovely, yet abandoned. i dont understand why people can get the chance to put a collar on a cat or a dog, and then lose them. i would give anything to have a pet dog or a pet cat, be it a pedigree or a mud, i will love it anyway. and this heartless person, abandoned his/her pregnant cat, and left her alone and helpless. i hope she gets help soon before the SPCA finds her and puts her to sleep. :/

she is really one hell of a beauty, too bad i couldnt keep pets, if not she would be cuddling right beside me now. :) so guys, take good care of your pets ok, and do not lose them, because they love you twice as much as you love them, even if they cant show it or prove it, but they do, they really do.
alright im off to sleeping, supposedly planned to study, but you know, the lazy worm is out with its pranks yet again. im so so so dead for my two papers on wednesday. oh boy.
vendredi 25 juillet 2008 23:41
The one thing we can never control in life, death. Some people die in the glamorous demeanor, yet others may have an uglier fate. Like a rose, we all start small and helpless, like a rose bud. As we grow, we become more protected by the ones around us who love us for who we are and for whom we love. They are the thorns that surrounds the rose stalk, the ones that make us who we are, and the ones who make the rose bloom with love and beauty. People come and go in our lives, they come for a reason, to change you, or for you to change them. They are the ones who make you who you are, who make you matured and even more you. And my friend, my dear friend Kaiyan, you touched my heart and you left a beautiful memory in my life.
For two long years, you harbored the scars in the memory of a terrible nightmare, and the nightmare has come back and taken you away. I met you for the very first time on the netball court, the way you would make a fake pass and the seriousness in your eyes when you shoot, they left me wanting to play harder each time i touched the ball. The way you fought against the pain and the way you tried to keep us from getting too sad for you, it left me impressed at your determination. We visited you at your house, we saw you and your cheery face, we thought you were okay. God knows how hard it must have been trying to keep that smile on.
You went back to school and you wore a beanie, and you tried to ignore other people's insensitive remarks. And like a miracle, you recovered, and we graduated from secondary school thinking that everything will be better for you from then on.
I want to say that im sorry, although its too late, although it may not reach you, but im sorry, because i failed to keep in contact with you as a friend. It was so sudden that i got to know about what happened to you last night, it came so quickly, i didnt know what to say.
But this is what i have got to say, as a rose, you were great, you were a beautiful one and your petals came off in the most amazing way. I believe you are in heaven's arms now, and i believe you are finally at peace, away from all that pain, together with God.
For Kaiyan, who was strong and touched our hearts.
jeudi 24 juillet 2008 21:21

i actually wanted to make a card, like with the drawing of three hundred and sixty five tudungs spreaded all over it, but my hands got tired at the thought of it. :D

and boy was she surprised with the cake! freaking idiot. she actually ended lesson EARLY so we got busted. bloody shit! alright, since there's still another three hours plus plus till your birthday officially endsssss, i shall be nice and not call you a stupid shit. instead, i shall honor you the name SMART SHIT. nice right? wonderful.

seriously, you have got to enjoy that cake! well, in the least i did! it was beyond chewy guys. im not sure where cass got it from, but it was so chewy it actually got sharon and i all quiet and chewing awayyy. here's to you KTAN, hope you enjoy your wonderful day with lots and lots of over flowing love, and try not to neglect your beloved guardian angel, deena, who watches over you every time you slack during practicals.

on to my post of the day. as promised, i did say that i would take a shot of the API that we did last week! and here are the prettty results. and i DO NOT, i repeat, I DO NOT, know what the colour reactions are supposed to stand for at all.

but the whole thing is nice so jsut shut up and enjoy it!

plus plus plus, guess what's this? these are the bacteria that grows in your tiny little noses! i was most definitely beyond disgusted to not help but notice how many colonies actually formed from my swab. sick shit. and in case you guys want to know which triangle of the agar dish belongs to my portion, you have got to be kidding me. cause i am so not telling.

and look who's been falling asleep in lecture! i was practically annoying weisheng, as usual. hahahha. and to think rachel thought i was taking a picture of her. you think? you werent a single bit unglam at all, so i dont see the need to! hahahahaha!

moving on moving on, keeping track of last saturday~
i woke up to a flambouyant morning of anxiety and freakingness as i anticipated my gathering with my fellow ex-restaurant colleagues, melissa my dear dear cousin, janice my BFF at work, and sweet old josephine who shares the joy of being a July baby like me. they actually planned to celebrate our birthdays on this very last minute gathering. mel had heard about my stupid emo-shitting behaviourajiggery last week. well, alot of stuff had happened, for firsters, i got to know that the people that i had always felt so darn close to in ngee ann actually didnt bother at all. for nearly the rest of that week, i emo-ed, i sadded, i depressed and i just felt that im the most detested person you can ever find in the whole world, because even the friends that i felt so close with, were in actual fact distant souls who view me through a glass window. ok, its like damn shameless to expect anything, but in the least, you didnt even made me feel special.
even this monday, i waited, and i waited. and it wasnt the first time. i could have gone home at whee hours. its ok, its over then let it go. the next time, no, there wouldnt be a next time. i feel that there have been well, millions of misunderstandings, billions of miscommunication errors, but all the more it goes to show how i just fail to blend into you guys. im sick and tired of trying to fit in. i dont want to be that unwanted piece of the puzzle. i rather be that half completed puzzle, that people try all well to fit into with. conceited, shameless and spoilt. i guess this is me.
cause heck it, i dont care, i cant be bothered, because i have got great friends from my two previous jobs, i have got KARTHIGAH MY DARLING, kendrick my idiotic classmate, and fellow crazy sharon, mad khalisah, insane cass, abisotong and shaliniN to make me feel special. thats more than enough. way more than enough.

so here's to me and josephine, with the nice lovely truffle cake from RIVE or whatsoeverbloodyshit you may spell it. its a gorgeous cake, and EVERYBODY knows i love gorgeous cakes! janice and melissa totally spoilt the two of us!

josephine and janice! pose posing posed!

and then the good old camwhoring days started rolling in!


and i wasnt listening in class, so the lecturer caught my attention by grabbing a chunk of my ear!

my FAVOURITE COUSIN! and i realised the two of us rarely took pictures together! next time, die die die must!

oh! here's one! hahahaha. the three imps of the crazy whacko japanese restaurant that is so falling apart due to the absence of our laughters. sadness.

MY FAVOURITE COLLEAGUE! crazy idiotic laughters makes the world go round and round. so many times wwe had muscle cramps in our abs, in our cheeks. so many times, we fell down and picked each other up. i wouldnt know what to do without this very special "sister", combined with my darling cousin, they made my life fuller.

after all the slacking and cake indulgence, we headed down to the steamboat restaurant we frequented for a big big big meal. which reminds me, i think i owe mel some moolah! remind me the next time ok cousin!


janice was trying to look like a fishball! hahahahah!

and so i told them to imagine the total calories intake...

but the food was still nice either way or two. :)))

my cousin who dotes on me alot alot alot! ^^

hahahaha, save your prayers guys, here's guanyin and her buddhist follower! they actually wanted to play along with the steam effect and act as deities...hahahaha! i know i know, the stupidasiafoidhgkkds things we do everyday at work last time.

they seriously spoilt me. like piang glass on the floor kind of spoil. hahahahha. thanks! and ever ever ever thanks!
the same thing to NICOLE, EDWIN, RAECHEL, KEVIN, MINGSHENG, YONGMING, YIWEN my ex-ex-colleagues, who were all so darn busy study, but still made the effort to meet up and got my presents at the end of the week. i feel spoilt. now i know, never talk too soon.
its doesnt have to be on the exact day, but any other day of your life, your friends who really love you, can truly make you feel very very very special. :)))))))

oh and i bought this! since my sister and i were collecting the series, i decided to get the DVD for the only movie the series had, while its still being sold at a real bargain. ten bucks for the DVD! can you believe this? cheap cheap cheap~
anyways, i know today's post has been, is, still am, freaking long and bloody shameless, but cheer up! im ending here. hahaha, i attempted to write in a style without the usual lohs lahs and lehs. and i hope its much much much better. i shall be off to study for tomorrow's test! wish me luck. ;)
samedi 19 juillet 2008 01:00
yoohoo! im here to blog people! hahaha, anyways ttoday was a freaking WASTED DAY. arghs, so darn pissed when im thinking bout it. well, its not an ENTIRELY wasted day, but in the afternoon it WAS! i slept till late noon cause there wasnt practical lesson today! fucking shiok! note that the vulgarity here is used to emphasize how GREAT the day was and not how bad the dday was. because vulgarities should be used for compliments too, like fucking pretty or fucking nice, so in the least they get a better reputation. because in the first place, why must they be invented as bad or taboo words? its quite unfair to them lah huh?
anyways, lets jsut not get so involved with that as a topic, the main thing was and is, that i rushed to schoool and ran up SIM thinking i was freaking late, yet to find a preetty lovely note smack right on top of the lecture theatre door saying that my ONLY one hour of lecture and lesson today was cancelled. turned out that dr new rushed off to the hospital due to his wife's labour. hope its a beautiful child.maybe a handsome boy or a prettttyy girl.
i was rather pissed at first, but oh well, life's randomness do leave us many beautiful and ugly surprises. beats knowing what exactly happens everyday of your life.KART the FART is back from manila! crazy woman, smsed me the moment i woke up telling me she's back! probably GUILTY for she stood me up yesterday! was supposedly to receive an sms from her after 5 yesterday to meet up, end up she didnt send anything. and turned out she received a last minute call to steward for a flight to manila. air stewardesses do live a VERY random life yanno. and tomorrow's she leaving for shanghai! hope she survives the overwhelming accents. good luck best friend! :))))
anyways, i made SIXTY BUCKS in three hours yesterday! and all i did was make twelve phone calls to random overseas company to rate the customer service attendant. and it was fun. there was one call for the singapore outlet, but the call attendant was very bad with her service! and my foreign customers always told me how BEST singapore's service was! that woman was such a disappointment. on one account, i made a call to Thailand asking for Mr Phoon Phat, and turns out that was a Ms Phoon Phat! good thing she was on leave, but her name did gave me alot of trouble bluffing the call attendant why i needed to contact her. damn funny and tsk. oh wells, the job was fun, the money was worth it, and i love it! hahaha.
alright, picture time! here's some nice ones from monday's practical lesson.

these green little shiny stuff are called coliforms! pretty huh? i think they would be the nicest things you would ever ever find in a microbiological laboratory. ;)))

and i found this particular dish with a really nice ring around the filter disc. the agar looks tasty by the way. hahahaha!

and this thing is called the API. im not sure what the exact definition for API, but im very much sure that you people wouldnt even be interested in listening to a flong scientific name. so let us jsut settle down with API, which is short and simple!

and this would be how it looks like after being filled up with bacteria inoculated saline! nice right? and dr new is super nice, he saw that i was taking pictures, and i thought he would scold me like stupid fatso susan, but he even suggested that it will look even nicer next week when the bacteria multiplies! shall show you guys alright! stay tuned~

and then because i didnt wanted to head home after leaving the house for only twenty stupid mintues today, i decided to hang out with jaslyn, edmund and nithya! i missed having classes with them. jaslyn, busy with her smses again...dont need to peek also know who is the one sms her lah, she whacked me today for talking bout his crutches! it was a random comment, my dear sister! bleahhh. and anyways, edmund was the one busy fondling with my phone camera.

so he caught nithya sleeping and lazing! lazy nits! new nickname for you, adds on to the crazy-inflammed-blur-sotong-totally-no-link-whacko-metagrobolised-nits.i labelled it in PINK cause you get so freakishly excited about pink.

and we were watching MS SWAN! people do take note, ms bunny swan is a freaking funny and idiotic piece of shit! do watch her on MADTV via youtube. and do enjoy the laughs and craziness.

and so edmund made a puzzle out of the whole lot of us, all of whom totally flaccidated on the table..

and do save this and print it out, the next time you send a mail, this can come in handy! hahaha. it advertises pink dolphin by the way.

and guess what? nithya got onto the front cover of the ngee ann magazine for model slacker! do grab a copy and read all about it!

and because of that, she got to advertise for poker cards. edmund totally brought her all that fame and fortune, with all that money, she most probably will keep a swimming pool of silver sharks. =.=

and she got famous and became the first singaporean who's worth millions, known to all as MONA NITHYA.
hoope you guys enjoyed the stupid stuff i just posted! dont stay up till too late people, its bad for health! hahahaha.
mercredi 16 juillet 2008 23:35
dont you think its a special day today? that what i felt, what i thought so too. i woke up to an overloaded phone full of smses that came packed with well wishes and love. i felt like it was going to be one special day. but it felt like it was simply any other normal, random, school day.
oh well, its ending anyway. :|

anyways, really cool pictures from the NGEE ANN LSCT LABORATORY once again! today we are dissecting mickey! and im so sorry siokxin, sorry about the chick, and i had no choice. plus, here you go, something even more worthwhile for you to take the chance and scold me! hahahah.

its kind of sad to see the carcass lying there motionlessly actually. jaslyn was constantly stroking it, as if giving it comfort, the comfort and warmth and love that it can never feel again. death, such a solemn and an eccentric way to leave life's stage. and im sorry we had to kill it in order to get its spleen. i swear, that i shall study hard and not make these poor things made to be wasted as if they were simply toys.

here's where rachel was slicing up the skin, whilst i was standing behind her snapping away, not wanting to miss anything. i seriously feel that susan lee is one weird ass for not allowing us to take pictures, these poor creatures died with such silence and it was as if no one cared. i wouldnt want to die that way. seriously.

and then on to some happy stuff~ last friday, we met up for qiqi and cherry's guitar concert in njc! it was slightly boring, hahaha, cause it was wayyy too classical, but it was still nice and enjoyable. heehee.

it was the nine of us! happily taking picture after the concert and crazily making alot of noise. hahaha. its so standard 4o4 procedure.

and here's two funky pictures of amanda, snapshot one, where she attempted to zilian with my phone, but blurred her whole face, looking a lil old there...

and snapshot two, looking like she just won an oscar. hahahah! you go girl! shall see you on the red carpet someday! hahahaha.

this was the group where cherry performed, they have so many people in nj's guitar ensemble, and alot of weird ones who just cant stop smiling like an idiot. no offense, but seriously, you smille too weirdly! hahaha.


and then it was on to the good old bridging days! seriously, if nan hua had enough fundings to buy several packs of cards, they would have an award winnning bridge club right now, probably founded by these few who loved their hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds oh so much. :)))

and this was siokxin's birthday present! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIOKXIN! and i know you LOVE IT cause i remembered how excited you always got when you saw the turning machine when we went out as a class. hahaha, same old same old, good old days.
and then we have got a video, which is damn funny, guess the tune. its so INSIDE JOKISH. hahahahaha!

and this would be my birthday cake for today. at least my family celebrated it with me. i love them all. in the least, it makes my twenty-four hours much more special than it seemed during the day. :]

anyways, this cake is gorgeous! gorgeous in taste i mean. its REALLY GOOD. you guys should so try it out man.

happy birthday to me. (: