samedi 24 mai 2008 02:09
this would be like, my most exciting, most amazing, mosst grossing and most breath-taking post of my entire year in this 2008.
we killed a total of eight incubated live chicken eggs in class yesterday. each group entitled to one egg. each egg dismembered by the head and had its body minced into meat paste by a simple pair of scissors. and this is how sadistic and cold blooded i have become thanks and ever more thanks to this particular course of study that i am taking. and i shall brief you guys on it, for those who doesnt know. Ngee Ann Polytechnic offers you the wonderful course of Molecular Biotechnology (MBIO) whereby it trains healthy young men and women into cold blooded ruthless murderers. lol. i totally did not bat a single eye lid whilst i watch the egg get cracked, invaded, emptied and discarded. and i could even talk about this over dinner. how sadistically mental am i? i seriously wonder. hahahha. anyways, pictures for you curious people to take a look see for your plain enjoyment.

this is, no, this WAS the egg assigned to my group of fine trained murderers. Group D of 2F01 has a fleet of one of the best murderers in town, namely Raechel, Jordon, Alfred and Ruqquyah. hahaahha.

and here we have our two experts, Raechel and blocked from view by Raechel's big head, Jordon. here we can see Raechel the eager murderer get started on cracking open the egg before i even gathered upp all of the apparatus for the classic homicide. =.= crazy woman, she better be eating vegetables for the rest of the week. hahahaha!

and then, pops come out the top of the shell and the cold, painful tweezers invade the poor egg by tearing its protective membrane.

yet, apparently Raechel liang xing fa xie (must be suddenly become hum ji) and decided that she couldnt bear to take out the chicken's tiny head. so Jordon takes the head out instead.
anyways, there was supposed to be a better picture at this point of the experiment, BUT the ever annoying Dr Susan appeared and asked me to delete the picture. and yes, to answer to all of your queries, these pictures are HIGHLY confidential and not to be exposed. but its too late now lah, huh? hahahahaha.

and so out comes the whole foetus.

and then you cut the weak and fragile little head off from the body.

a close up view of the head, with the fully developed beak and eyes, you can imagine how sayang it has been to lose such a was-to-be-cute little thing. sighs, oh well, what to do. somehow somewhat, this is part and parcel of life i guessssssssssssssssss.

and there, treated like trash, Raechel puts the head in the dumpster. damn mean lah this woman. ahahahhaa.

and then Jordon started playing with the remains of the egg. like what the hell lah, so tensed the situation. and suddenly you see him picking up the stuff inside and mixing it or something. sadistic people. so sadist. sighs (shakes head).

and then you guys must have been wondering what happened to the body that was cut off from the head. fret not, the answer's here. you chop chop chop and snip snip snip.

and then VOILA, minced chicken meat paste fresh and ready made. and just so you know, it does give off a bah cho (minced meat) smell. somehow...
so here i shall end my post, while you people stare and vomit in disgust. love this post man.
jeudi 22 mai 2008 23:41

sometimes we cant help it but feel super duper cramped up in life, stuck in that little box of our own. yet we all dont seem to understand why we would always find an uneasiness when we are oh-so-exposed when in actual fact, it gives us a breath of fresh air.
totally screwed up my japanese oral exam thanks the the randomly selected partner. and i had no choice for having him as my partner. he totally spent the time that was given to the assigned pairs chatting away with his girlfriend. and the consequences were nothing but a weird jammed up conversation in broken japanese just cause he didnt know a few sentences here and there. and to think i spent time studying this morning. oh well, its over so lets not cry over spilled milk. and on the bright side we do have a free thursday next week. so i can spend it doing nothing but sleep till my butt busk under the love of sunshine. lol. that sounds disgusting. and then again, the word butt reminded me of how khalisa made the error of commenting that i have a hot butt. sounds wrong eh? dont worry, she meant it another way. hahahaha.
i decided to do a littttle bit of relinking on my blog, so for those who have been bugging me to link you, be happy and contented now. and for those who havent started bugging me to link you, dont even think about it cause i have already linked you. tsk tskk.
mercredi 21 mai 2008 23:06
kendrick asked me today how do i ever survive my weekly dosage of four hour lecture on wednesdays. and i guess he got the answer straight away. i bitch during my lectures. its a good mouth exercise, and at the same time you put your brain cells to work. at least its better than stoning luh huh?
i talked bad about our most detestable smart alex, and lets not forget CHURNNY or however you spell his name. cant be bothered. raechel is DAMN entertaining during lectures. her comments are like, seriously ass. and at the same time, you cant help it but laugh because her comments are your sentiments exactly. so on top of being a mean ass during my lecture today, i also felt exceptionally smart. somehow somewhat smart.
i didnt really study much for the stupid statistics test, and amazingly i passed it, and exactly at her cut-off expectational mark. so im safe. for the moment. and then now im busy studying for the japanese test tomorrow. this week is freaking paccked. good thing i didnt make myself available for work, if not i would have died.
goodness. alrgith, back to notes making for the test tomorrow. hope i do well and not flunkkkk.
mardi 20 mai 2008 23:32
since i have got nothing to do now, (not that i dont have lah, im not THAT free okayy, im jsut avoiding stats) ahahhaa.
oh well. i realised im being very nice today. i did alot of nice stuff. im nice ok. im so freaking nice. WOOHOO! im so nice. wow. whee. i must be mad. ahahahaha!
yeahh, im damn tired actually. having had a long long LONG day. at school. early morning had aquaculture practical. damn smelly, damn boring, damn stupid video. and some smart alex kept RANTING NON-STOP. you all know who lah yah. so annoying lah. im already so sleepy, and the last thing i would want to do is acknowledge how INCREDIBLY "ATTENTIVE" you are in class. so SHUSH. rahh rahh papayaa. and lecture was no where enjoyable either, with nevil acting fierce, and with me rushing out some pathetic notes for the stats test tomorrow. but hours ago, it hit me that i should jsut go into the classroom, fail the freaking test, let her nag me to death and rest well for the night. somehow somewhat. tuesdays' rush are beginning to suck the blood out of me. having rushing to archery PT and then zooming off for guitar. i know, i must be crazy to actually squeeze both trainings together, but yah, somehow its only going to be tuesday that i will be more than busy for in the whole week of the rest of the other weeks in the rest of the other months in the rest of the semester. i am NOT making any sense.
ok, so pictures pictures. im lazy to type lahhh. BLAHHHHH! bad day. =/

and so we found a dead fish today, in one of our tanks, cant remember which one, but yah, a dead fish. and we were so late in realising its death, so much that it has biodegraded into a nice set of skeleton. oh well, best wishes in heaven. lol.

and then we found out that our largest and record holding heavy weighted fish started showing colours, after weeks of being pale silver. it turned black, half of its entire body black, and its freaking FUGLY. but still, its out record holder fish lah yah, weighing some what thirty-three grams and i think fifteen centimetres in length. its probably the largest fish in class. im somehow proud of it.

and here's a better view, the only good look about it is its blood red tail, not portrayed properly in this picture though. but yah, its a nice combi. like some devil. look at me, talking about fishes like some maniac. what is wrong with me goodness. being year two must have taken the toil on my brains. lets move on to the next topic.

oh, still fishes. LOL. last picture lah ok. this is the sudden appearance of a nice looking fish in the other tank. nice right. the eyes. i gave it a little surgery. OK ENOUGH. i think i have got mental problems! ahahhaha. omg, playing with pictures of fishes! freak.ahahaha. wahahah.woooo. =.=

yeah, so anyway, i snacked today again. i cant grow fat. i really cant. and i cant help it eating either. im a non-growing boy. ;DDD im a NICE non-growing boy. ;DDDDD wth.

yah, and these are nice, jsut that they are not chewy at all. they are nearly as tough as beef jerkies. but they do have a good taste. so yeah, somehow somewhat, new food for me anyway.
hence i shall end here. to treat my mental problem.and yes, obviously i need sleep. goodbye folks.
someone just REMINDED me that there is a statistic test this wednesday and ON THE SAME FREAKING DAY we have to hand in FIVE FREAKING TUTORIALS!
i can go bang my head against the wall now. especially since i spent my whole four day weekend doing nothing but slack.
dimanche 18 mai 2008 01:02
as you guys can all see, i took time off to revamp my blog. so it has been offically PIMPED. lol.
apparently jordon said that my blogskin looked gay and blah blahh. kanasai. and he didnt even tag, plus he was so random lah. saying it all of a sudden in class. and i heard "wahlao your block damn gay" and i was like, i dont recall owning a block. hahaha. i would have been rich siah. lol. sorry, i was stoning out lah, cant be blamed.
so, here you go, a nicer blogskin i guess, made with help from DEAR SISTER JASLYN LAH HUH. im giving you the credits ok, in YELLOW somemore. ahahaha. lol. and i made a change to the song. and i like the song, so im not going to change it at all. woohoo. lol.
im actually happily munching off on my instant nooooodles! spicy seafood with half boiled eggggg. yeah man, damn nice. but the problem is, instant noodles are rather pathetic lah yah, but couldnt be blamed since the grocery stocks at home has been running low for quite a while due to my dad's laziness, so instant noodles are considerably a nice treat for the moment.
yet, im stilll very hungry.
anyways,i jsut found out that cardcaptor sakura actually has another version of the anime. and its called tsubasa feather or something like that. chronicles of sakura or someething like duhh. back to topic, its quite nice lah. school has been hectic, in a way or two. i shall repeat this, school has been HECTIC. so if there are anyone in their really sane minds were to come and jio me out to hang out for movies or ANYTHING, please do be informed that i am so freaking glad to escape from all that school stuff.
oh and by the way, weisheng sent me this great link for online guy's tees: GREEN-poppies
its really quite unfair that they have so little guy's online blogshops. but either way, green-poppies has nice clothes. seductively tempting to buy, but i am on a low budget this month. lol. and siokxin start out her own blogshop too! with doris in fact. Do visit SX-DJ
for more shopping! lol.
anyways, couldnt stand the damn arsed TSO for the aquarium today. he totally shouted at me for going into the aquarium late, going on and off aabout how he cant close the aquairum and blah blah. GOODNESS, if you didnt open it for ONLY one freaking hour, why in the first place would it occur that you are unable to close the aquarium on time?!?!
one short hour is obviously too short to do anything, and not everyone is free between 10 to 11 yanno. what an ass. and i always dont understand what is he saying, his accent being so darn strong and him being so rude. BLAH!
and before i end off, i would like to quote this : "all of a sudden i feel so emotional that i shall end this post" go ahead and vomit people. someone actually posted this. goodness.
jeudi 15 mai 2008 23:38
okay, so once again i have neglected my blog, but yeah, been busy for a long while lately. with and work and school and cca and projects going on and off. life has never been busier. so anyways, taking the new module aquaculture has been fun. and my old hobby has been reawaken. sort of. well, its quite a known fact that i used to be so crazy over being a fish hobbyist years back, till i gave up cause it became quite a toil. so since taking the module had got me itching to have some fun again, i decided to set up an aquarium. lol. so here we go again. hahah.

this is a new tank set up after i set up the very first year early last month. i like the landscaping, i should go ahead and be an interior designer. LOL.

this is the first tank set up, and its one month old, and surviving. so far only two german rams and a sucker fish died from stress. hahaha. cause i took a long time scooping out some dirt, thus causing inevitable stress.

another picture from the same tank, with its glowlight tetras. a whole shoal of 15 of these little things. they are damn cute when they shoal together. hehe.
and i know, you people must be thinking im damn weird now right, oh whatever. its quite fun sometimes you know, to have something to do, rather than not doing anything. keeping life busy is a good thing. somehow. yah, anyways, i stole some snapshots of the ngee ann laboratory aquarium.

these are the final year projects where seniors have to breed clown fish. kind of troublesome, but the clown fishes do look cute. haha.

and this is another picture from another tank. there are like five over tanks just for one project. i seriously wonder how ngee ann finds so much space for the many final year projects that they come up with.

anyways, in case i havent mentioned it, my project is to rear three seperate tanks of ten black tilapias each. and they somehow keep falling sick. rahhh. anyways, we have to head back to school for six days a week, so means saturday we must go back to school too. and FYI we have to conduct the feed twice a day. so its kind of troublesome, but good thing we do have a group of four members to rotate. yay. lol.

and so on, more pictures, blah blahh.

and seeing these pictures rreminded me of derrick from work. that asshole kept repeating the fact that the LSCT science block is very smelly. idiotic ass from engineering. i know it stinks luhh, but at least have some manners can. stupid piece of shit. rahhh.

and we had a dying fish the other day, which was murdered by khalisah and cassandra!!! they buried it in food. boo.
am i getting boring? i think i am. i also have this kind of thinking that if i have not blogged for a long long time, i would lose touch with how to blog. lol. anyways, i have so many things to blog about. especially one particular manner. i recently took 61 back home, and as you all know, the weather has been freaking hot lately. so everyone has been waiting for the buses in a preeeetty bad mood with all that sweat and clammy feeling. and i understand that the first thing we all do when we get onto the bus is to direct the air con to ourselves right. but somehow, an annoying fat boy from INNOVA came onto the bus, sat beside me, and directed both the air con vents towards himself! and i was like, what the hell, he wasnt even sweating, whereas i was wet from all that sweat and standing under the sun waiting for the damn bus. and the stupid boy from innova had to be so selfish and inconsiderate. no offense to chuanmin or other innova students, but the thing is, YOUR PARTICULAR SCHOOLMATE, this fat stupid selfish inconsiderate and incorrigible boy, was down right selfish. and whats more, after he directed both the air vents to himself, he still had the cheek to give me a "what the heck" stare. and im like, what an ARSE. indeed, what an ARSE.
okay, forget it. lets talk about other stuff then.
alright, just the other day, i went out with sinyee, janice and melissa on a NON WORKING day. darn happy that day to have not worked, and so i didnt have to see those crazy filliphinos. anyways, we sang and partied and went crazy.

janice, me and my favourite cousin, melissa!

janice, me, melissa and crazy sinyee. hahahah.

and here sinyee was ACTING CUTE! @#%#$^$#^%!

and so after kboxing, we headed out for heeren for a little walk, and then we went on to clarke quay for a drink. it was fun. =)