dimanche 27 avril 2008 23:39
i tried to blog. but the freaking internet just had to have problems with me today. freak.
mercredi 9 avril 2008 22:26
it was KT for the whole night, and her voice rolled throughout the whole night, playing on the media player in my laptop that was left on to charge my mp3.
ok that was rather random. but im seriously in love with this singer. her songs are UBER great. ;DDD
so my dear friends, if you happen to see my msn personal message on the never ending series of display for KT's songs, please scold me. cause im mad. hahaha.
anyways, in case you people havent noticed, the weather has been heating up. its not like an oven kind of heating up, but its still the kind that gets you all sweating and fanning yourself crazily whilst sleeping or chatting on the phone, or watching tv. its just been a crazy weather lately. suddenly it rains, and suddenly the sun hangs mercilessly over the gloomy sky. today you will see all that lush green leaves waving as the breeze cuddles them and yet tomorrow they start to wrinkle in yellow with flowers drooping in that dehydrated manner as the cicadas sing their songs of sorrow. its the crazy heatwave thats coming down on everyone. guess i shall head for the swimming pool sooner or later. i dont mind the chlorine, but i do mind the heat. its like my sweats come packed in rich, dewy droplets and cause my skin to go psssssssssssting with all that steam and effervesence. i feel so roasted man. VERY roasted.
school is starting in less than a week, and i shall start making plans to study and revise once per week, like at least go through everything taught in the week. getting seperated from my classmates wasnt a nice thing to begin with, getting dispersed into different classes for each different day of the week isnt going to be anywhere nicer. so i shall study hard and strive to improve my gpa to make myself feel better. :)
oh, and yes, i didnt sleep the whole night. my bloody ass hole brother has been snoring as usual, and this time, packed with the newly installed package of talking in his sleep. every ten to twenty minutes he would startle with a sudden jiggle of unidentified words in his breath. and trust me, it was really hard getting some sleep. i finally managed after flipping and turning in bed like hamburgers on a grill from i-dont-know-what-time till the bright and unwelcomed 8am sun irritates me in the early morning. and in case you thought things were supposed to get better since i finally fell asleep and was about to be able to get some rest, you are wrong. i erupted in cold sweat four hours later in bed with a nightmare's horror still lingering on the chilling spines of my back.
arghs. i had this dream, some kind of a stupid weird ass dream, about caterpillars conquering the whole world. not any other regular caterpillar, but caterpillars the size of your average domestic cats that fed on concrete floors, brick walls and stainless steel windows and humans. i practically dreamt about every single person i ever knew on earth. from tanisha being eaten alive by a sea of caterpillars, to chanyiting melting under the acid spitted by the butterflies. =.= yes, butterflies, and guess what, they evolved from your lovely little caterpillars, looking no different except for those ridiculously large wings and acid-spitting mouths.
then there was that little commotion of lim lai sym's photo posted on the newspaper, having survived the gruesome attack from the caterpillars, leaving her naked and running around without her usual protection of clown's wear. and no, i didnt see her naked picture, i jsut dreamt bout reading the article which was posted on the newspaper. and please dont laugh, i obviously have not slept enough to find this thing funny. jessie was saved by a monitor lizard, which ate the caterpillars trying to eat her, ironically. and then there was so many recollections of other people screaming and running around, either full of acid, or losing some body parts.
and the funny thing was, i was finally cornered into a room full of the acid-spitting butterflies with jasmine, and we screamed and shouted as acid was sprayed on us like confetti even though it didnt hurt at all. but we still shouted and screamed, screamed and shouted, somehow. then i woke up in an irritated mood. trust me, it was weird, and bizzare, horrendous AND irritating. plus it lasted for four freaking hours. god knows why that dream lasted so long. and it felt like forever. especially since my brain had to go through every single person i know in my memory, and then provide me with a scene of them being attacked, or escaping from the mad caterpillars, or with missing body parts.
mardi 8 avril 2008 23:52
ok, so i havent been blogging again. hahah. but nothing much happened this few weeks, plus i wanted to let my previous post linger for awhile more. hehe. have been working, once again. and im so glad to have gotten my pay today. my phone bills are three months behind payment, and my line has been cut off, so i cant make any outgoing calls nor smses. tskk tsk, i know, im so lazy to even head down to the post office, but its like, going down once a month is really troublesome, why not once every two months or so. lesser time wasted. hahaha.
i seriously hope for my hair to grow back asap. its so short, like some wild boar's hair, standing on ends and looking all furry and puffed out. grrrr. its not like i didnt tell the hairdresser to simply trim it, but the problem is, even if i say, dont cut too short, or jsut trim and dont cut, they will still provide me with the wonderful results of stubby short hair. -.-
okay luhh, i dont know what to say liao. and i know im so disappointing. hahaha, especially when the doughnut counter kept ticking over the past few days.
jeudi 3 avril 2008 21:56
okok, i know i havent been blogging for a millions years, but its only because i have my new found hobby to be addicted to! hahaha, in case some of you dont know, i have been busy making themes for handphones. and i have made around five to six already. and im getting better and better at it ok! hahaha. its fun, though it takes up time, but its perfect for someone like me, who simply wants to laze all over his cosy bed. so anyways, i shall blog today, about last saturday, cause i want to dedicate this to my favourite class of my life. (:
so just that day, that very special day, five of us decided to meet up to catch a movie. shida, amanda, qiqi, siokxin and me! it was supposed to be some sort of a 4o4 gathering, but i guess the other thirty-five of them had some stuff to handle, so bo bian loh. but needless to say, i was very happy. so happy to see their faces, so happy to hear shida scolding me. and so happy to be laughed at by them. these people, although not all of them were there, but these are the people whom i have been wanting to meet, wanting to talk to, wanting to laugh with, all my life. these are the people, whom i want to spend the everyday of my life waking up every morning feeling that life has never been better.
that saturday, that very saturday, it felt just like how i always feel when i was in secondary school, i woke up, and i got all anxious, the overwhelming anxiety always get the better of me. i just couldnt wait that very morning when i woke up. even though we were planning to meet up late in the afternoon, i was all excited since morning. i was so happy, so happy to be able to see them again. its not like i hate my poly friends, or that i hate poly life, i mean; life has never been better moving forward, meeting new friends, having that wonderful clique, and doing projects all the time with those same old fun faces. but 4o4 has always been different, even if it was jsut a short two year experience, to me it felt like a life time, to me it was great. and it always will be, the way we laugh, the way we talk about things, the way we gossip, the way they laugh at me doing stupid things, saying stupid things; the way other classes were so envious of our unity, the way we spent everyday of 2005 and 2006 together, the way we got scolded together, the way we made Mr See cry because our grades were damn bad for prelims and that we made him cry again because our grades were damn good for o levels, the way we worked hard together for o levels and the many many things we did together.
give us a nice cosy place to sit down together, and we can talk about anything, everything under the sun, even if its stupid, even if its a mean comment. we will still laugh and joke and be there to support each other. with them, my laughter is different, with them, i feel safe, i feel that i belong somewhere, and i feel that they are my family. sometimes, they are sweeter than my own family, and at times, they really support me for being who i am, they do not push me away, or tell me that im hopeless. when im down, they pick me up, when im all high and crazy, they scold me, but stay all high and crazy with me.
this is the second year since we have all gone cling-clang-clong all over the place like marbles hitting the floor in that helter skelter kind of attitude. but i have never stopped missing them for a second. shida scolded me jsut now for remembering everything, yes, im like a sadist, so happy that he scolded me. but i really missed those moments, those time when we went home together and talked about everything. and i really want to wake up every morning and sit in class, see regina laughing till she is gasping for air and screaming "ahhh very pain!". i missed ah huat running all over the floor, and having Mr See screaming like a mad man because we violated one stupid school rule. i missed Mrs B.Lim reprimanding us for playing catching and screaming like nobody's business at the sky garden, even though we were already wearing long pants and supposed to be setting good examples for the juniors. i missed amanda wiping her face when B.Lim asked her to "wipe that smile off your face young lady". i missed june sitting beside me and ranting off and off about guanzhong, ernest, dylan and more boys. i missed the male teacher who looks exactly like cas. i love the way han bao says hao bu hao. i want to sit in that same seat again, for another two years, maybe for another twenty years. yes, it sounds stupid, but i really want to see ah huat peeing in regina's skirt. i missed going to jessie's house on a random school day and eating freshly baked cookies made by her mum. and i love the way jessie got so shocked when i bluffed siokxin and tayhuimin that jessie's mum had already baked loads of cookies thinking that we were going her house. i especially missed those times when yanru kept coming to our class after school and during breaks to hang out with us, even though we always shooed her off. i will always always remember that everyone sitting at the back tries their very best to run off before kaishuin starts spraying his stupid deodorant cause of his bad case of BO. i missed accidentally spraying the person who sat in front of me with purple permaganate, and using the diluted H2SO4 to make the uniform white again. i missed having tayhuimin draw blue blacks on my hand and bluffing gary that he pinched me too hard. i want to hear tanisha snore again. i want to see leungyan's serious face when he reads the english and french dictionary every morning. i missed avoiding wanting's butt. i loved leaving all my books under my table, all over the floor and overflowing in my locker. and yes siokxin, i really missed that time we played water fight till we were so wet that we hurried into the toilets to use the hand dryer to dry our uniforms. i missed hiding in the staff toilet with qiqi and regina and amanda during lessons. and i will always remember how i left mud in cas' ear during the sec three adventure camp. i missed pretending to be naggy and annoying everyone in class to ssweep and clean up when i was the cleanliness leader. i want to be thrown into melissa's swimming pool by all of them, again. i missed sliding down the stairs on the mattress during one of the chalets. and all the more i missed seeing regina be stupid enough to slide down the stairs on a pillow, only to land flat on her face screaming "my butt!". i seriously missed the 730 days we spent together. i want to pronounce archives as "ar-chiefs" and lingerie as "linger-ry" once more.
i really missed those guys. so much.