if you don't like something, change it.
if you can't change it, change your attitude.
vendredi 28 mars 2008 14:14
yesterday morning i woke up with the whole world's excitement erupting within me. yes, it was the build-up anxiety over the past few days for the DRASTICFANTASTIC concert! the tickets were expensive, but it was well worth it for KT Tunstall's for ever asian performance, live in singapore! everyone's like asking me how they dont get why am i so obsessed over her, i know i know, its not her looks, its not her talents, i mean, everyone's got looks, everyone's got talents; but its that voice, HER voice. every song she sings, every line, every verse, makes her voice so rich and it just brings out the funky side of you. the concert was KRAZY, everyone was screaming, clapping, and going all gaga over her. and i clapped and clapped to the beat, till my hands were sore and my palms screaming from the consequences of a gruesome bruise. she sang, she joked and she was so fun loving. such a coool personality with such a groovy voice. i recorded two songs of her gig, "black horse and the cherry tree" and "paper aeroplane". one from her previous album, and the other from her latest album respectively. however, apparently imeem.com doesnt seem to wanna cooperate, hence the uploaded songs were both cut short in a way or two, but no matter what, i just want to let you folks have a go at her voice at the llive concert. and it sounds so much better than from the cd.
but of course, its kind of noisy, so i guess earphone would help much better to the listening. hahaha. and yes, i know you people must think that i must be mad to pay $100 just to go for this concert.
vendredi 21 mars 2008 01:36
holidays can seriously be such a BORE. i sometimes really wonder what can one really do much during their long longLONG holidays, especially the kind of two months break you get when you are in polytechnics or similar vocational institutes. of course, for me, i dont think its so boring since im working and i have aWONDERFUL life. yet sometimes, people tend to have no life, and they tend to have no job either. and the best thing that can ever EVER happen to them, would most definitely be SUPER BORINGGG for these little kids. one big fat beautiful example of such little kids who are oh-so-very unfortunately life-less happen to occur on my blog's tagboard. oh my, lets just admire keewiong and nohnajhat, or whatever they are, for being such entertainers. i stand corrected of my statement for the previous post. some people, just simply have nothing to do, so much that they like to go around and BECOME provoked by doing foolish actions. whatever. oh and by the way, i KNOW im good looking, and i KNOW im lovable. you just simply dont have to get so obsessed over me. thanks for the attention anyway. ;]
jeudi 20 mars 2008 00:29
im provoking people and im such an idiot. arghs.
lundi 17 mars 2008 22:15
The cold weather has finally passed, but damn, the sweltering heat, HAVE MERCY ON ME~!! i have never been so irritated whilst sleeping in my whole life. I finally had some day to make off as my off day this week and i decided to spend it sleeping and sleeping and sleeping. hahahha. but i was DAMN tired when i woke up cause its like so sweaty and hot. my shirt was sticking to my body like thermal wraps and my hair was such a big mess. part of it was standing and part of it was damp. and im like, so annoyed when i woke up. =.= its ok, at least now it isnt super duper cold, or pouring cats and dogs every other thirty minutes of the day. and at least my void deck isnt flooded anymore. poots. I was out the other day on saturday, somewhere during my break while working. and i went out to meet up with ZUHUI!!! she looks so much prettier. i seriously agree on the term that the nan hua uniform so TOTALLY disfigures you. terribly, horribly, incorrigibly. but still, i miss the smell of that uniform and the breeze that cuddles me at the staircase of the sixth level. and still, i miss the hustle and bustle of 4o4 in that lovable classroom. here's zuhui, talking on the phone, with that moulizational tone and gesture. tsktsk. and seriously, she looks so much different now. i guess poly changes your overall outlook i think. and dont remind me how i looked over a year ago. hahahah. gosh. anyways, i was on and about the topic of us going out. and yes, i havent mention where and what. hahaaha, we went over to suntec city, and we joined in the fun of the food exhibition. damn smoky, rowdy, noisy and ddelicious smelling. and you bet i was hungry even before we entered the place. and so we hunted and bought several food using our acute dog noses. hahaaha. food item number one : durian puffs. these were like superb, on par with those of "Ritz Apple Strudel and pastry". i had a fun time teasing zuhui bout them cause they were frozen to begin with. apparently SMART zuhui told the person that we werent going to eat the thing right away, so the lady took new ones out from the FREEZER. =.= so in the end we waited for it to melt and tingle our tastebuds, somehow. food item number two : this is the 狗不理 buns. apparently i think its called so cause you cannot smell it much, no smell on the outside actually, and it doesnt look much appetising either. but it tastes nicer than the usual buns you can get. so i guess this is a unique food item which you can hardly find around singapore. and it tastes nice. food item number three and four : pumpkin cakes and sweet potato balls. i loooooooooooove these. they are exceptionally good. especially the pumpkin cakes. sweet, but not in excess, and not to the extend that it gets you sick of it eventually, but sweet in a way where you find it appetizing enough for snacking on. and good thing zuhui only wanted one, cause that way, i can take three! hahaha!! its so nice can, chewy, and with red bean filling inside and amazingly, its oily, but doesnt taste oily though its like deep-fried. and the sweet potato balls are nice too, plain but tantalizing with the lotus seed paste inside. food item number five : takoyaki pizza. NOT NICE AT ALL. im sorry zuhui, cause i made you eat the remaining all by yourself. HAHAAHHA! my mouth doesnt process bad food. hehs. i dont understand why it tastes not-so-good actually, but like, its kinda tasteless. you kind of can find better ones out there in the pasar malam. =/ food item number six : takoyaki! also not that nice. cause its from the same stall. hahaha. its not nice cause they added ginger inside. i think they wanted to neutralise the overwhelming taste of the octopus, but its kind of stupid cause they ruined the whole thing. octopus takoyaki needs the overwhelming taste of the octopus!!! that way the charred taste makes it even more delicious. =/ so sad that we can actually go to the wrong stall at the exhibition. sighs. its ok, better luck next time. and one beautiful overall picture! MUAHAHAHAHA! we sure know how to eat! and i forgot bout the dessert!!! wahhh! this is DAMNDAMNDAMN good okayy! i love this the most. a mixture of honeydew sago, mango, chendol and BLAH BLAH, and wooohooo! super nice. but i kind of dropped the flyer they gave out. cause i wanted to visit their stall somewhere in singapore. but if im not wrong, its at FAR EAST PLAZA!!! tsktsk. shall take some time off to go hunt the stall down! wahahhaha. took a little picture of the tower opposite the Suntec Convention Centre. nice? i kind of liked the sky. its like the sky in koizora. peaceful, and at hearts' content. after all that eating i rushed back to work. ~.~ this holiday has been workwork work. seriously cant wait for the chalet with my CHOCOLATES!but im not sure if its possible though. edmund's kinda at wits' end to plan. and i kind of irritated him. :X SORRY! please plan the chalet edmund, PREEETTTY PLEEEEEEEASE! ;DDD and then, that night, i ate again. hahahah! and more!!! MORE MORE MORE!!!! WAHAHAHAH! eating and eating. i cant wait to see myself slightly grown when this holiday ends. im so damn skinny, in a disgusting kind of way too. =/ anyways, i cant remember where i stole this picture from, and who i stole this picture from, but that is one FAT dog! seriously fat and its actually lying down while eating. is that even possible. its like the first time i have seen a dog this fat, other than my sister's dog, but he has slimmed down lately too. so this dog is, far more, FAT?!!?! gyeahh.totally. anyways, parents are so irritating, i dont understand why they would provide you with a room and then keep coming into your room every now and then and ask you when are you sleeping. and when they leave, they usually end with a "im off to sleep now kayy" but then will appear again about twenty minutes later. tskk. funny or what. oh yeahh, i kind of edited my blogskin today, and i hope you folks would LOVE it, cause this blogskin is already looking so much unlike what it initially used to look like, so its kind of my own creation now i guess. haha. and i changed the song to the sky of love (koizora) theme song~ SUPER NICE! i SUPER love that show. i shall sign on to be a fan. that girl who has got me all up and down is still in china, working her CIPs off her ass. and im missing her alreadyy. [:
jeudi 13 mars 2008 02:07
Recently i have been gorging on food late in the night. and literally gorging. i think im jsut being the glutton i really am. hahaha. or to make it sound "better", the PIG i really am. its like my stomach starts growling at the crack of midnight and i will be like some hungry ghost on the loose, hunting out anything edible in the house like some mad ass. and look at this, steamed HAR GOW!! and its like i can be so hungry as to go and steam this shit late in the night when the whole wide singapore has already been snoozing in their sleep.. and snacks plus my favourite bun from crystal jade bakery. and its damn nice! ok, thats not the point, the important thing is that, im snacking on all this AFTER i ate my har gow okay.and i was still being hungry!so... i kind of head down to macdonalds and grabbed an apple pie. WHAT AM I?!?! if i were a woman, i would be some pregnant lady, and if i were an animal, i would be kingkong or a whale. and the problem is, i already ate four meals that day. and to think in the dead of the night im still hungry like a cow, GORGING. okayy, nevermind. so lets jsut forget it about the late night gorging for me. hmmms, so the other day, Darren Tan from Project Superstar (you know, the TOTALLY boring singing competition on Channel U) came over at our restaurant for dinner with his gigantic family. and i have SO MANY THINGS to talk about, ESPECIALLY his particular family. first of all, he looks so ugly in person. His hair is so damaged and his face is so HOLEY, not holy, but holey.i know im mean to say that, but i jsut couldnt help it. second of all, his whole family laughs like freaking HYENAS. and im swearing my butt on this. i mean, i can still totally hear them laughing even when i was walking off to the toilets outside the restaurant. and the other table sitting beside this particular family, actually left early because they were so irritated by the inconsiderate laughing and disgusting snorting. and please dont expect darren tan's laughter to be anywhere better. they just laughed noisily all the time. and seriously, NOISILY. i didnt even had the heart to work properly cause i kept laughing at their laughter. and after that a few of my colleagues and i were imitating their laughter LOUDLY while they were still sitting in the private room snorting and laughing awayy for hours. and im not making a big deal out of this because he is some one-time celebrity, but because his family is jsut so incorrigible. totally incorrigible. anyways, on the same day, there was this totally adorable baby boy over at the restaurant. he's only nine months old and he is so cute. he didnt cry at all, and he loved laughing. it was so fun to play with him. the parents were actually from Osaka, Japan. and they planned to stay in singapore for the next few years. see? he is this cute when he laughs. and he laughs at everything. i think babies are so happily innocent and just plain adorable. They dont even have to worry much about anything. its so relaxed and with their smiles and laughter being all so natural. sometimes i miss being a child myself too. its like, growing up is taxing. =/ so tell me this kiddo is cute, aint he? haha. meanwhile, when im still going on about typing my post for today, i caught some fatso in an attempt to escape. but APPARENTLY, he is very much unable to do so as he is so fat and heavy. itss been nearly three years since i got him as a birthday present, and to date, he is practically the size of my foot. and being the annoying fellow that he really is, he makes whistling noises with his nose when he wants to be fed, and if so you happen to forget to feed him, he will give you his dosage of fart gas WHILLE you are bathing in the toilet. annoying much? i think so too. and over heere, we can see how fat he really is. caught in the classic act of trying to escape, but at the same time being stuck because he is too vertically positioned and horizontally challenged. however, at the current moment as im typing, he is making his way into my room as he managed to step on the smaller one like some stepping stone and thus escaping. sometimes i pity the smaller guy, who is still quite small in size. cause he is like always being bullied by the fatso up there, who apparently likes to pose on the ledges in the toilet floor during his days of never ending slackage. anyways, like i was saying, i wonder why terrapins like to escape so much. its like if you throw them into the sea, they might jsut end up one day in the pacific ocean. lol.
so the other day, we went to send karthigah off for her first flight as an air stewardess trainee. and that bitch is still as late as ever. if i never met her, cas would have been the latest person i have ever met in my whole life. but apparently karthigah is so much worst. she can be like, late for three hours. which was the amount of time we took waiting for her. she practically told us that she had to report at nine o'clock and night, and that we planned to meet at around six plus for dinner together. and not surprisingly, she arrived at nine o'clock sharp. and during which i fell asleep. yes, i was so tired that i couldnt help it but fall asleep.thus, my wonderfully adorable friends took a picture of my glorious historical moment, where i made the mistake of falling asleep and providing them about an hour of entertainment jsut laughing and taking pictures of me. =.= oh nnevermind. anyways, about the air stewardess thing, they actually have different coloured uniforms for different ranks. So the usual blue that we always see on tv and what-so-whereever is the smalllest rank, known as the Air Stewardess. then we have a green coloured one, known as the Second in Leading Chief Air Stewardess, which we all told kartigah to skip this process as the uniform is like, U-G-L-Y. anyways, they also have the First in Leading Chief Air Stewardess, who wears the red uniform. Then last but not least, they have a maroon one, which is damn nice~! yeah, that would be the Head of Supervising Air stewardess. And jaslyn, edmund, carmen and i only saw one after a whole day of walkin around in the changi airport terminals. but the unifoorm is seriously nice lah kay. anyways, here's a picture of the PAT BING SOO from BBQ chicken down in cineleisure. and i was eating with my colleagues the other day. its damn nice and cheap too. this size is like only, $3.50 you know??!!?! which is very much cheap because it has a larger serving than the local ice kachang, and that they use much better ingredients too. such as mochi. i loveeeeeeeee mochi. ;))) the other day pamela came over to UEsquare and she got us some lovely CUPCAKES!!! its quite sweet, but after eating one, you will definitely have the urge to accomplish another in your stomach. and damn hell i miss that girl ever since she has been transferred over to the CHIJMES outlet. :(( and she was like one of the nicest colleagues i had. especially since she already has her own chain of bakery back in the Phillipines, but she decided to take up the challenge to go overseas and strengthen her servicing skills. i definitely take a set back and bow with much respect for her. it certainly takes alot of courage jsut to leave your succesful business back in your hometown and ending up as a small fry in some fine dining restaurant to learn new skills. even i wouldn dare to be so brave as to head overseas alone and with nothing. and then, blahh, camwhore pictures. hahaha. and i love macdonalds too ok! ahahah. its the apple pie i bought which i am holding in the picture.lol. oh yeahh, and SKY OF LOVE is so damn nice and touching. its a good show and you guys die die must catch it ok~!! its so wonderfully directed and the storyline is clean cut too. and im so going to buy the dvd to watch it again and again and again! :3
mardi 4 mars 2008 01:13
its been a week since i pierced my ear.and im starting to like it.i havent really regretted much, except for the first two days cause i really didnt like waking up to a swollen ear and trying to be careful to not be rough with it when drying my hair. its like tending to another baby that is living on your ear, and you have to constantly change its diaper. that is plain annoying shit. yeah, and i bought my studs. WAHAHAHA. so nice to attract other people's attention with SHINY NICE STUDS, and they are all like "eh where you buy one arh? so nice ah!" wooooo.so happy. ok im just being idiotic. anyways, queenie teng is going away for FIFTEEN LUXURIOUS DAYS! so i probably wont be seeing her online an stuffs. and im so going to ENJOY IT! ok luhh ok luhh, will miss you one luh. partly for her annoying-ness and partly for the constant songs she provides. speaking of her, i just recalled THAT the other day when we went out, we crossed the pedestrian without thinking and almost got flattened by the multiple cars charging towards us.and it was such an embarassment, firstly, there were people across the road pointing at us and screaming "OI MAD AH" and secondly, i did this embarassing act with queenie, who is an official embarasssment to be with.hahaha.so, it is SUPER DUPER EMBARASSMENTILICIOUS. tskktsk. oh and yes, i went down for the giordano interview the other day, and they are SO SNUBBISH.while qiaoyu and i were writing our application forms, the stupid receptionist was like saying that they do not need staff and so maybe we would jsut want to try out for their "one-week-only" warehouse sale part-timer staff. and their warehouse sale is like in FREAKING PAYAR LEBAH and they expect to pay us FIVE FREAKING DOLLARS AN HOUR. im like WAHT?!?!?. turns out they were only trying to act like they didnt need any staff. cause in less than five minutes after we handed in our forms, they were rushing for our interviews already, when in the first place the stupid fat receptionist was like saying that they werent going to interview us. stupid people. if you need people then SAY LUHH, dont have to act like you dont need. disgusts me. anyways, the stupid interviewer was also SO IDIOTIC. first of all, i would like to tell giordano that YOU HAVE WONDERFUL INTERVIEWERS WHO ARE SO FREAKING TRAINEDDDDD. but she jsut gives me the impression that she LOVES to trap interviewees with trick questioning and watch sadistically as theystumble and stutter whilst their brain cells trip over each other. but of course, i didnt fall for her asshole traps. im an experienced service asisstant okayy. i have to know my wway round such questions because they happen to come in package with picky customers. but still, i wasnt much ready to answer her with high confidence, so i jsut gave her anyhow replies. but who cares. if they dont call, its their LOSS. especially since im happily enjoying myself at my restaurant. for now, i jsut want to pile up the number of survey forms that comes with compliments of ME, given by customers. i sort of love it when your service gets appreciated. and im so happy lately since i gotGREATGREATGREAT compliments from customers that i served. ^^ they either say "im EXCELLENT and better than the other average waiters and waitresses", or that im "just one of those RARE gems you find in the service line". and these are the words that melt my hearrrrrt. muahahaha. and did i mention that each survey WITH MY NAME adds a dollar to my paycheck? and i did four surveys with MY NAME out of the total of the eight accumulated at work by everyone today. so, TELL ME IM GOOD, REALLY GOOD. HAHAHAHA. ok luhh ok luhh, i shant hao lian anymore. i think im quite annoying too. but its tough to not be hao lian since i cant boast about it at work. its so disgusting there with everyone celebrating a plastic masquerade. *shrugss* and HAHAHA, im debating with jaslyn about who will spent the MOST during this holiday, and she is already on a LOSING START. muahaha. my dear sister jaslyn, you can never win since you are such a SHOPPAHOLIC. and i made it yellow since you love yellow oh-so-much. hahaha. ok, im off to sleep, i hope you guys enjoyed reading. ")