if you don't like something, change it.
if you can't change it, change your attitude.
vendredi 22 février 2008 23:53
anyways, i am pretty much sure that the new semester ahead will be a HORRIBLY HORRENDOUS ONE as zhengyao will be in ngee ann!!! *screamsandrunsincircles* okay, let the commotion be over and lets talk about the papers i had this week.i had maths on monday and from what i calculated, i would most probably pass at borderline or fail at borderline. bascially i would most probably be passing at borderline OR failing at borderline for ALL my three papers. and maths was do-able, just that i was frigging tired thanks to my insomnia on sunday night. arghs. DAMN YOU REALITY! and then there was cell biology, which is very much open ended in its questions. i seriously hope i can score maybe a B- for the paper since matthew mak will be marking in a very lenient way. and speaking of the paper, i was super eager to do lest i start forgetting what was memorised in my bloody brain. and thus i didnt realised that for questions four five and six, i only needed to choose two. so when i got out of the STUPID exam room i was still thinking about WHY i was the only one rushing through my paper whilst the others were jsut sitting back and relaxing 45minutes before the exam ends. AHHHHH. im so stupid. last but not least theres my organic chem. at least im quite confident for it since most of it was reactions and reactions. but i totally erred in my nomenclature rules so i would probably do badly for the paper even though i was confident at first. nevermind nevermind, as long as i dont fail any modules. i guess my overall CA for each subject will be at least 50%. so i can still smile bout it. went out with sharon edmund nithya and jaslyn today right after the paper.and i seriously felt like i still needed to go home and study another five chapters on some unknown module. seriously, this studious mood HAS to stop. i just want to get my laptop fixed asap. but sadly, all my pictures will be gone. and good thing i saved the nice ones in my phone. if not i think i will just vomit blood endlessly and lie motionless to my brainless-ness for not making a backup copy of my hard disk. stupid hard disk.how can it crash. im so nice to my laptop and it has to be so ungrateful. oh and i missed the part where i pierced my ear together with sharon and jaslyn. apparently the two of them took a super long time to decide where they were going to pierce and how they were going to find space to peirce thanks to their multiple collections of piercings, i got quite nervous.i kept thinking that it will hurt damn badly, but in the end, it really felt like someone stapled your earlobe. just like the way everyone says it. nad i was still thinking they were saying so cause they didnt want to lose face. and bout this piercing thing, i really wanted to do it cause i was so curious but how it is like and since if i dont like it i can remove it, then why not? life is short, as always.anyway, i was fretting the whole day bout my mum noticing it since its so obvious, but i think she is blind. either that, or she is just ignoring it.i kept waiting for her golden sentence of "whats that on your ear?" or maybe her prime commercial slogan of "what did you do to yourself?" and apparently those sentences didnt come. i started from slightly hiding my left side of my face from her, to purposely sitting on her left side and talked continously to her so that she would look at my face. and yet, no visble reaction from this woman. my mother is so amazing. i would always be dreading her fussing over me and thinking that everything i do is a big fat mistake, but at times she just leaves me desperate for her sighing and shaking of her famous fat head. oh mothers. and lydia sum has passed away.i wanted to say finally, but im pretty much sure people will riot over my statement. but its the fact that since she is being so tormented with all the cancer cells spreading all over her body, just let her go. i loved her shows and i grew up laughing at her laughter. it was the kind that even if you were down and out of luck, you would surely feel that life still has its bright sides when you hear her laughter. she is an impact, at least to me. ok i am going to end here. ^^
mercredi 13 février 2008 22:50
WOOTS, finally some time to blog. alright no, im just slacking my ass off.hahaha.and i havent been studying!!!ahhhhh.im so so so screwed, especially when i keep playing with my newly purchased YELLOW playstation-portable. ;DDDD i know i know, im indulging again.but its a usual thing WHAT. but its ok, I WILL SURVIVE!! anyways, this is a nice video to keep everyone entertained while im not blogging till 23rd Feb comes.