mercredi 23 janvier 2008 02:21
Closed off from love
I didn’t need the pain
Once or twice was enough
And it was all in vain
Time starts to pass
Before you know it you’re frozen
But something happened
For the very first time with you
My heart melts into the ground
Found something true
And everyone’s looking round
Thinking I’m going crazy
But I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
Trying hard not to hear
But they talk so loud
Their piercing sounds fill my ears
Try to fill me with doubt
Yet I know that the goal
Is to keep me from falling
But nothing’s greater
Than the rush that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness
I see your face
Yet everyone around me
Thinks that I’m going crazy, maybe, maybe
But I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I....
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
And it’s draining all of me
Oh they find it hard to believe
I’ll be wearing these scars
For everyone to see
I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I....
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I....
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
although it was a masquerade, it felt real.
although it was temporary, it felt like it was forever.
i know its over, truly over.
mardi 22 janvier 2008 00:18
so im online now and chatting with queenie. i had to be online since i needed to do up my maths online and talk to weisheng about the handover report PLUS send an email to pang chee boon. if not i wouldn't have come online to waste time.i would have slept on since i reached home till dawn. i am seriously tired.i don't know if you call it sick, but i am having very terrible muscle degradation at my neck and it causes a lot of headache and pain and flu and wooziness over the past few days.and now im not sure if i should just sue Ngee Ann Polytechnic for overworking their students and causing unneeded stress.
and its a good thing i decided not to provide any availability to work as i just dont have the mood nor the time to go and waste time for a place with poor management.
on the other hand, the colleagues are its kind of a you must have ying and yang so that you can have yingyang, or like, you need to have both the black tiles AND white tiles to play reversi.
anyways, so queenie and i were talking about phobias and i came to realize about how much i hate and love the fact that i am afraid of heights.its like, i hate it when my hands become clammy and i get this funny feeling when i am at a high altitude, but then again, i love that feeling when i take thrill rides.and its mostly because i love the fact that i know that i am safe, but i am still scared of heights, so i have this kind of an anxiety mixed with excitement cum fear.and its really nothing like an adrenaline rush.its more of like a psychological thing i guess.
i kind of miss secondary school again,its kind of like the class unity kind of thing.its like although we have several cliques, but we are always moving together to reach our goal as one large group. but currently, i am stuck with a class that is very divided and and most of the people are just very much focused on themselves.then again, if not for this weird behaviour of the others, i might just have not been able to get along well with my own group of friends. although sometimes i do feel like i am an outcast and that i know that we are all really close, but this kind of feelings are inevitable, its not as though we are super close like i am with my favourite 4o4, because every single individual is important and needed for a certain reason and that the reason is as simple as the fact that, any individual missing from 4o4 will just make it incomplete, unnatural and unreasonable.
i don't know, sometimes people appear in our lives for a reason, and i know i wouldn't care about that reason, because no matter if you are a nice person or a bad person, or jsut someone who is nice but pretends to have a mean approach, you are an equally important individual as compared to others. (:
the exams are coming and my schedule is tight, and i am very much sure that a lot of people are thinking that my posts are getting less "funny" as to what they put it as, and sounding more "emo-ish" and personally, STRESSED.however, i am going to loosen up by finding stupid things to talk about again, :DD.
alright, some photos from my lab lessons today.
firstly, we have the preparations for the FEHling's solution. its sounds like FEI LI (chinese for molest) but has this nice blue colouration.on top of that, you must be absolutely accurate in your mixture's proportion to prepare it, if not you will end up with weird precipitations.
and then i added the ingredients and everything nice.alright, now its the disgusting part, LOOK AT THE NUMBER 6!! its coconut milk and its like vomit.or it just looks like someone spitted in the test tube.and whats worst is whats next.
coconut milk precipitate mutated.and it looks like some explode brain matter in the test tube.i know, its not very clear, but trust me, you wouldn't have wanted to take a closer look. i bet regina would have vomited at the sight of this.and then again, its just disgusting.
anyways, i kind of find care bears disturbing. they are weirdest creatures that feed on mutated happiness.somehow,one way or another, they just get their stomaches satisfied by popping rainbows and clover leaves out of their stomaches.and to my amazement, they are actually happy to use it on one another and do weird things during some weird scenarios.and they are always this happy.its just like how i dislike Mr Happy. because ,although im not trying t be a pessimist or what, but how is it possible that someone is happy for 24/7 constantly, and smiling and looking so disgustingly un-sad.i mean, can you imagine if Mr Happy's mum dies and he still smiles and be happy.or if one of the care bears died and the other care bears simply hop around happily like some lunatics and do some dancing and singing to erm, mourn for the deceased care bear.its just so freaky.its like the teletubies thing all over again.and its sick.its like weird.i don't know.but i just cannot imagine people laughing and enjoying themselves during a funeral, let allow dance and be jolly PLUS project rainbows and clover leaves out of their tummies like idiots.its just so weird and offense, but its just weirdd and dumb.and stupid.and idiotic.and sick.and whatever.
good night.sleep tight.
dimanche 20 janvier 2008 14:10
i change my blog pictures
no more mrmen
now dogs
but i think its a bit weird
hahah gods?
shut up
shut up
i hate you
i love my HAJC BRIDGE GOVERMENT, they always crack me up with weird typos.
samedi 19 janvier 2008 23:13
010108 just haunts me. not because it reminds me that im getting old by the days, but because someone put it on her msn sorts of implies something, it may not be true, it might be true, but i just get upset and felt rotten upon seeing the numbers.its like, i just wished that things could have stayed the way they were.lately, there have been so much going on that my THREE FAVOURITE BFFS are mia-ing ALOT.and im so sad.i havent seen tayhuimin jessie and chenyaan for SO LONGGGG.i hope that A LEVELS and POLY EXAMS come like NOW so that we can all hang out again.its just so sad.with so much things going on, with tons of tests and presentations coming on, im getting getting depressed.i keep feeling sad all of a sudden for no good reason.i wish it would stop.really.
so im glad i took the day off today and i went out with nicole rachel and kevin, my beloved ccolleagues from bossini.i spent the morning swimming for hours in the pool with rachel and nicole, swimming till we became charred and now my skin's starting to peel off like banana skins.and after that they went off for a movie, whilst i went home to rest and headed down to the salon to get a hair like, oh my tian!!!
i have been going to vincent-daniel salon for the third on going year!this is so long.and it has always been the same hairdresser for me.i should cease to live like a cow.okayy skipp the daily details and night time came!
i met up with nicole in town and we went shopping and eating.she treated me to SWENSEN'S!!!! and we had steak plus drinks.but the service was seriously bad.
im like, why hire servers or charge service charges WHEN YOUR STUPID WAITRESSES ARE SO STUPID?! im a waiter too and i dont see myself putting up my hand to tell a customer to WAIT when im checking the cashier. its like so RUDE.and for goodness' sake, customers NEVER WAIT! arghs.this is so irritating, its like i havent blogged for like weeks and im scolding some idiotic waitress at plaza sing's swensens.but she is THAT STUPID, because she iss getting paid because we provide the service charge fares annd she is giving us poor attitude, then why dont she just not work and head off back home and just irritate her own parents rather than other people! PLUS RUINING THE REPUTATIONS OF SWENSENS! bleahh.
on the other hand, lets talk about what i indulged on. :) shopping took my mind off stuff and i started feeling so much better after a while.i bought this pair of shorts and a pair of shoes PLUS THIS NICE SHIRT! it says "MUST HAVE SOME FUN" and its of nice material plus only costs $18, and i made a bargain by bluffing the guy that i took it from the "$18" rack, when it was atually being sold for $30. hohoho. :DDD but sadly, those werent my new year stuff, new year stuff should be bought JUST before new year, because thats when the sales start coming! ;)))
i hope my HAJC BFFs can end their weekly tests asap, and the same goes to MY weekly tests.and then we can meet up and hang out. :] and huimin, thanks for being there.
okayy, some crap pictures from the past few weeks..
little japanese kids at gyu kaku. and they all damn funny and cute.
playing around with sinyee the monster.
the youngest and funniest boy.
he wasnt cooperating okayy. =.="
janice bullying the cute boy. hahaha!
first picture taken with my new laptop's webcam! <33
studying with jessie and my red bean pie. hehehe.
japanese chocolates. very nice!

coolest picture ever! hehs. i took this myself.and its nice because of the colours and the angle.
mercredi 9 janvier 2008 11:11
Oxford International Lottery32 Hurst StreetBirmingham, B5 4TBUnited KingdomRef: OXS/812/07 Batch: 322056Q 8th January 2008 Dear Sir/Madam,Dear Award Beneficiary
Over the years the prestigious Oxford Lottery has set out and successfully organized Sweepstakes on a daily, weekly, and annual basis. We have equally maintained a standard unrivaled in the industry as it concerns the pay out of winnings to successful participants.
In line with the commemorating event marking our 50th year anniversary we rolled out over £10,000.000.00 (Ten Million Great Britain Pounds)for our 50th year Anniversary Draws.
Participants for the draws were randomly selected and drawn from a wide range of web hosts which enjoy our patronage. The selection was made through a computer draw system attaching personalized email addresses to ticket numbers.Your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to ticket number 0014821357 with serial numbers OXS/7060442302/07 and drew the lucky numbers 14-88-12-99-07-52(40) which subsequently won you £1,000.000.00 (One Million Great Britain Pounds)` as one of the 10 jackpot lucky winners in this draw.
You have therefore won the entire winning sum of £1,000.000.00 (One Million Great Britain Pounds)` as one of the 10 jackpot winners in this draw. The draws registered as Draw number one was conducted in Brockley, London United Kingdom on the 14th October 2007. These lottery Draws are commemorative and as such special. Please be informed by this winning notification to make contact with your designated Agent who shall by duty guide you through the process to facilitate the release of your winnings sum to you.HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE, Simply contact our verification Agent, at
Mr.James King Watt. Email: jameskingwatt@myway.comPhone Number: +44 704 575 6822 Fax Number: +44 803 648 8177.Claims Processing Agent,Verifications/Logistic Department. You are advised to contact your verification agent with the following details to avoid unnecessary delays and complications. Your Name (in Full), Country, Ticket Number, Serial Number and Lucky Numbers as indicated in this winning Notification.
I wish to on behalf of all members and staff of the Oxford Sweepstakes congratulate you on your wininng and wish you the best of luck as you spend your good fortune.
Thank you for being part of our commemorative 50th Anniversary Draws.
Sincerely,Mrs. Carol David.Oxford Sweepstakes Co-ordinator.LOOK! i got an email telling me i won the lottery, FAR FAR AWAY in london bridge. and someone bought the ticket for me! oh wow, so exciting. =.="arent these people cute? i live all the way in the heat of asia and they send stupid things like this to make me laugh, how thoughtful.
dimanche 6 janvier 2008 00:48
mark and spencer's have like the most delicious edibles yet. they have nice gummies and crispy cookies and all of them are the healthier choices for people. but the prices are slightly more pronounced than usual products, but oh well, they taste great and look great, so its worth great!chenyaan is SERIOUSLY addicted to arcade gaming. and yesterday we went to the arcade, and today we went again! and she is so crazy luhh.i have gotten pretty much sick of gaming within these two days.but very funny cause we saw this game so suited for tayhuimin. its all about killing frogs and u have to use your boat paddle to whack this gigantic frog king at the end part.that is so tayhuimin.and chenyaan couldnt stop laughing, plus she is so much the indulging DOWAGER.we ate ichiban sushi and then swesens for lunch and omg luhh.alot of money spent! and at the end of the day, i was speechless on how much i spent and i got sian of coming out.lmao. we watched "I am legend", its a nice show, but it kind of creeps me out since it reminds me of my childhood nightmare.i used to remember dreaming the same nightmare everyday when i was like four or five year old.and it was always the same damn, running away from monstrous zombies all alone. and the scene was always the same. my figure would be running in the shadows at the background and there would be this gigantic calender having its pages torn every second, implying that i have been running for days non-stop, away from those darn zombies.then i would end up in this house, thinking its safe as i locked the back door.but once i realise that i have not locked the front door, *crunch* goes my neck as two sharp fangs sink into me and then i wake up breaking out in cold sweat. and the movie is similar, its like you are all alone and you have to keep running and running from millions of zombies that jsut want to eat you ALIVE. so freaky alright. the movie was nice, but it had the most stupid ending. will smith could have just hid in the hiding place in the chimney where anna and ethan hid when he was going to throw the bomb, but instead, he was holding it and running towards the dumb is that. and here is my conclusion, if ever there was a virus that turns the world population into zombies, i will jsut burn them all and let those humans who survive to reproduce.we will just be having a population cut-down, thats all.anyways, our HAJC BRIDGE GOVERNMENT needs our first meeting to be arranged asap.and at first we were supposed to go camp at jessie's house to play overnight bridge. oh well, another holiday is coming, so what the heck. im sure the meeting will be coming soon. sighs. i want to get a better job! nevermind that.
anyways, who does this reminds you of??? ignore the Jesse McCartney picture first, we can talk about him later. yes, dont you think theodore from alvin and the chipmunks just LOOK SO MUCH LIKE tayhuimin's stupid chicken wing infested brother?!?! its like omg luhh, such similarities and resemblance! and he actually found out that i was talking about it cause he was PEEPING AT HUIMIN's MSN CONVERSATION BOX!!! and he got angry somemore.HELLO? theodore is cute what, its an insult we say they both look alike, hahaha! and somemore chenyaan agrees with me!! hahaha! omg, really look like luhhhh!okayy, now about Jesse McCartney, did you know that he actually voices that fat chipmunk up there???does he even sound fat to you?and i wouldnt have known that he voices the chipmunk, until i went to search for this picture on this special occasion just to talk about theodore's resemblance with huimin's brother.i can so imagine theodore with a chicken wing in his mouth now. hahaha!alright, TAYHUIMIN, im sure now you are excited to watch Alvin and The Chipmunks with me, since you will be so ANXIOUS to hear your CUTE Jesse's voice. lol.haha.and theodore really looks like your brother!!!!
samedi 5 janvier 2008 01:12
i like the name janvier, and its actually january in french. and i also like xavier, but its much too common. go down to friendster and you can find a million, though i dont know a single one. janvier sounds so unique.
i went out with ccy funny.we played arcade like mad, and partied in spotlight at plaza sing.there was so many cloth! rolls after rolls like the undersides of a conveyor belt. some of them were furry and some of them were plastic-ly. we thought of making a bright green skirt for was really bright, not just neon bright, somehow it was so bright i believed it will still glow in the dark. and i really would LOVE to see huimin wearing that green skirt. people would probably laugh at her for decades after decades. and then we saw buttons, stupid buttons with stupid shapes and patterns. and we took alot of stupid pictures. haha, but ccy was too LAZY to upload them.
oh, and chaiyi joined us too halfway, then i left for work. chaiyi is so funny, but very quiet and afraid of messing her hair. speaking of hair, i need to cut mine. its getting a little BIT too long.
blah.i think thats all for now.good night, no, good morning.
vendredi 4 janvier 2008 01:02
OMG! i just love that stupid funny qoute thing! its just said "i dont have bank account because i dont know my mother's maiden name!" that is so DUMB! and yes, why do we need to provide our mother's maiden names?!?! cant we just make an account for ANYTHING without the need of finding out our mother's maiden name? like who cares about her maiden name? its OUR account we are talking about here. ~~anyways, the stupid creative presentation thing made me regret so much.i was so nervous, i didnt make it funny at all, and i just flush through the whole thing like a toilet bowl. we were supposed to present like some science show thing, where i am doctor whacky and i have to talk in a stupid way and make the class laugh, but i was pretty much too shy to do so, even though i wanted so much to.haha. and so we didnt make it funny, and we regretted because all the other groups seemed to have done ten times better than our group. IM SORRY NITHYA AND JASLYNN!oh well, its over.and so day one of waiting for my new laptop to arrive ended one hour ago. yes, im getting a new laptop.a NEW laptop, no more using of hand-me-down more using of ALREADY spolit laptops in poor condition, externally and internally. im so excited to get my hands on a BRAND NEW laptop, one that i can care for and maintain with my own responsibility! and so, im deciding on the laptop case. orange or red. i cant decide. both are nice, but i dont intend to get both. cause i already got a black one. haha. TSKK. im indulging, once again.i have started my studying schedule! the finals are in like SIX WEEKS, if you still dont know. and im meeting up with sharon next week to study. sharon as in, sports and wellness sharon, not sharon constantine. doopseydoo, sharon is such a common name. so is alfred, i hear it everywhere, while serving customers, while taking the lift, while watching tv, while taking a bus, while talking to my friends. ok, ignore the last part. but alfred really is common. the only comforting part about it is that, i come to have found out that ALFREDs all have big appetites and can eat and eat and eat! which is so me, therefore, so ALFREDICIOUS!okayy, im tired and i need sleep.GOOD NIGHT MY LOVES.we can continue partying tomorrow.
mercredi 2 janvier 2008 23:49
this is so super duper wonderfuliciously cool.
and on top of that, i cant find people at 11pm in the EVENING!THE EVENING!AND ITS NOT EVEN MIDNIGHT!midnight is like 4am.and its still five fat hours from midnight.
chewchenyaan is sick,
tayhuimin is MIA,
jessietoh is having school blues,
somebody kill me.blahh.and gosh, projects, there is this stupid creative presentation tomorrow, and im so dead.people are so gonna laugh at me for the next 14092085702869526359 years!!! this will be SO EMBARASSING.and im leaving the details for tomorrow, AFTER i have done what im supposed to do.why did i even come up with such a spastic idea.
i want to get a new phone, but there are no nice phones in the market at this time of the year, and im DESPERATE. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee let there be a wonder phone that appears real soon.i kind of like the sony ericsson w890i, w580i, w960i !!! but 960i is so out of budget and 580i has no colour that i want in stock AND 890i is DEEMED UGLY by so many people!!!! what am i supposed to do.blahblahblah. im so irritated with school reopening.and WHATS WORST is that im gonna have my final exams in SIX SHORT WEEKS! SIX WEEKS! omg! how?!?! :( and i have to start studying all over again, memorising all that i have forgotten two weeks ago. and my grades DO NOT LOOK PRETTY. but im quite happy for math as
(1) i didnt study
(2)i got 62% for it
(3)the math lecturer KNOWS i confirm can pass this semester
yet im still upset because
(1)i didnt study
(2)i cant maintain the B that i have been maintaining, because you need a 70% to have a B grade
(3)the math lecturer THINKS i will pass this semester with less than capable grades
then again, i passed cell biology and i only studied one hour before the paper.the worst thing that can happen now is if i FAIL organic chemistry. what a good way to start school after the holidays.but good things DO happen, because look,
that idiotic girl, fancy migrating to AUSSIE for so many years and i havent seen her for so damn long.gee,what am i going to say when we meet!im so excited, so is ailin, so is everyone else i guess.and im so telling ee shan about that stupid jessica kong stuff!
BLAH.alright, enough talking and crapping, GOOD NIGHT! be happy chewchenyaan.
mardi 1 janvier 2008 13:06