vendredi 28 décembre 2007 21:21
BENAZIR BHUTTO, YOU DID WELL. (:your hard work will not go to waste.anyways, i shall reply some tags here now. haha.
YUNTING: i shall, when i have the moneyyy.hahaha.
SIYING: how to tell her, hahaha, but very funneyy mah.
QUEENIE: stop wasting your time woman.
SYAZANA: OMG IM SO FLUNKING! HOW?!?! I CANT LET SCHOOL START!!! and good, you finally have a tagboard.hahaha.
NICHOLAS: yah, quite, but she is my good friend leh, cant do anything but respect her loh. =/
YUBIN: hello WAFFLEPARTNER! and merry xmas to you!
YITING: yes, do join us soon.
ok im out of here.hahaha.
You're so weird...err...we mean interesting! No one ever seems to know what you're going to do next, but everyone wants to be there to see it. Even though you might
seem normal, you've got a lot going on in that head of yours. So whether you're cooking up crazy schemes, being a little random, or telling a strange story, you're probably moving down the road less traveled.
Sure, you might be a little difficult to read, but you generally know exactly what you're doing. It takes brains and courage to say on the edge, and you've got more than enough of both!
They just don't come much cooler than you. From the top of your awesome haircut right down to your great shoes, you've got it going on — whether you know it or not. If there's something happening, from the biggest parties to the hottest gossip, you know all about it, and you were probably so over it three hours ago.
Some people might think you're a slacker, but that's totally not true. Well, mostly not true. Maybe they got the wrong impression from your "I Majored in Vacation" t-shirt. But come on — you were just kidding!
So maybe you're not exactly a rebel without a cause James Dean-style, but you've definitely got a wild side. While you may not necessarily mean to stir up trouble, there's no denying that it can be a blast to try something new and bring a little adventure into the mix.
The upside of all this risk-taking is that people find you fearless and fun. Any time is a good time when you're there to make things happen, from tracking down a party to exploring a new city. Gutsy and unpredictable, you can turn even the most boring events into adventures. And you don't mind taking a chance or causing a little trouble to make things more exciting. Madonna would be proud.
Give yourself a little pat on the back, because you're not the baddest seed. Some people might think you're a perfect angel, but you can't fool us. You just hide it well. Talking trash about a friend? Eating a handful of trail mix from the bulk bin at the supermarket without paying? You've done it — but you're probably not proud of it. See? At least you have
some standards.
For the most part, you're someone we'd be happy to bring home to the parents. You've got a few little secrets, but who doesn't? Blaming a friend for your mistakes or cheating on the big test isn't your style, and that's good enough for us!
mardi 25 décembre 2007 01:37
i miss the smell of the school pool. :(((
dimanche 23 décembre 2007 01:56
i no energy to think i should put pig or cow or tiger first
ALFRED says:
ALFRED says:
jus anyhow lah
ALFRED says:
dont wan la
i very tired
haha ok la
i do
ALFRED says:
u owe me ice cram
ALFRED says:
ALFRED says:
ALFRED says:
ALFRED says:
ALFRED says:
yet another funny conversation with chenyaan today.thank you for your support and do remember to join us for the next episode of "CONVERSATIONAL FUNNYLISH WITH CHEWCHENYAAN". good night folks.
samedi 22 décembre 2007 01:14
ALFRED says:(long display of emoticons)
i thought why u type so long
wa liao
ALFRED. says:
why huimin not here
ALFRED. says:v hard to type u know
CHENYAAN says:hahaha
whr is she
ALFRED. says:my hands sour
CHENYAAN says:YA LA. good good. keep up the good work
ALFRED. says:i think she playing game
ALFRED. says:haha
ALFRED. says:crasy
CHENYAAN says:will increase ur pau
ALFRED. says:
me o2jam
ALFRED. says:i wanna try playing
CHENYAAN says:PAY!!!!!!
ALFRED. says:omg
CHENYAAN says:so stupid
ALFRED. says:this is so going on my blog.
CHENYAAN says:HAHAHA omg so embarrasing
CHENYAAN says:siao haha pau
and thats another embarassing conversation of the day for you all to read.haha.went out with FHM today.tayhuimin is officially known as funnyhuimin, in short, stupid.we bought durian strudels and they were so nice.haha.but now having sore throat liao.omg.die.and i finally bought my full zip jacket!!!!SO NICE CAN!omgomgomg.yayness to the 200%.and sadly it is the last one in the whole of singapore AND we tried to find AMIN today.but sadly, he wasnt around.we were planning to make friends with him so that he could give us some staff discount on the havianas that we planned to do we sound like some stupid cheapos.maybe cause WE SIMPLY ARE STUPID CHEAPOS. =.="anyways, i am just too tired to recall what happened GOOD NIGHT LOVABLES.
vendredi 21 décembre 2007 01:07
i dont understand how NAIVE queenie teng can actually be.we were just talking the other day over msn, and she said she wanted to smack me i said that yes she could, thats if she appears in front of me.and she went on about taking a cab to my house and asked for my address and told me to wait for her at my house's void deck.and right after that, i went to sleep.and guess what, as usual, little miss liar here didnt mean her words and instead of tricking me, i tricked her instead.she got freaking worried and called and smsed me time and time as if i would be waiting for her at my house's void deck jsut so she can smack me in the face.nobody is THAT stupid.and this morning she still called and asked blah blah blah.and i was all busy laughing at her.thus, that explains her spammings over at my little tagboard.there are some christian related stuff that i dont understand and i just cannot stand it how my friend, xxx, could have actually said to me.i mean, NO OFFENSE TO ANY CHRISTIANS OUT THERE, but, why cant christians jsut respect catholics and catholics just respect christians?i know there is that difference in their beliefs, but why must she say that catholics are crap jsut because they feel that mother mary is holy.then isnt that indirectly saying that buddhists, muslims, etc are crap?im not getting annoyed because im of any religion here, but because im a free thinker.havent people realised that there have been enough war and suffering for the past few centuries?and a handful of those started because of people's differences in their beliefs.why cant people jsut respect each other for who they are and not demean each other's order for someone to respect you, you OBVIOUSLY have to respect others first what right?it isnt as if i am making no sense here, so why cant people of different religions just live with each other in harmony and put in more faith towards your OWN religion rather than despising other people's religions.and the worst thing that xxx said to me was that, she hopes that the end of the world comes sooner so that those people who do not believe in God's existence can quickly go to hell.and that is just because these people "dont see the TRUTH that christians see, and that this people failed God".but think again, some people are born to be of a certain religion, some people KNOWS and RESPECTS God's existence and other Gods' existence, but choose to live life their own way, like me, and some people, they are just the way they are.and if i dont see the truth that you say you see, why not show me?why come to me and say that, "oh, when the end of the world comes God will hold my hand and take me to heaven but you will end up in hell because you betrayed him." im sorry to say so but, that just makes God sound like a petty old man.i respect His existence, i respect the bible, but cant i choose my own way of living?i mean, i do go for services to learn some valuable lessons, but the way you put it, its so rude and hurtful.i dont mean to provoke ANYONE through my post for today, i jsut feel that, as a religious person, im sure you have the capability to gather enough respect towards other people's religion, THE SAME WAY YOU HAVE FOR YOUR OWN RELIGION.and it also applies to free thinkers.i also feel that the end of the world is coming, a second ice age is coming, but, whatever your beliefs are, please dont tell me that i will go to hell just because i didnt choose to follow your religion.i choose not to follow because i have my own thinkings too, and if there is a God of any such, im sure he will understand since he created me, and that he will accept me for who i am even if i made mistakes.isnt that what the bible says?that God washes everyone's sins for them and make their sins turn into his own sins?i mean, am i wrong to think this way?its not as if i think that he is crap or i dont believe in his existence,i believe, i even believe in other God's existence.but i dont really understand, why must certain people be so hurtful to the people around them, even when their friends are respecting them and supporting them for having that strong faith and love towards their religion.i dont mean to cause any dispute or upset anyone over this post.i just hope that it can make people understand and think for a moment in my shoes, in other people's shoes.put yourself in other people's shoes before you make a judgement purely because you have that strong faith and love for your own may jsut end up hurting that someone who has no religion, or a different religion from you.i dont know.i dont want to think about this thing anymore.its jsut so frustrating when i heard what xxx told me.argh.people.they are all individuals with their own minds and who knows what they really think.OH YAH, this morning i saw this old couple flirting with each cute.HAHAHA!and that made THM laughed out loud in the MRT when she was taking the transport ALONE.omg.SHE IS SO SPASTIC CAN.gosh.
jeudi 20 décembre 2007 01:53
I CANNOT BELIEVE MY SISTER, SHE IS SO SPASTIC.she actually like jumps in her seat while watching a documentary, JUST because the monitor lizard whipped its tail at the camera screen.and like, WHAT THE HELL, she was biting her thumb too.whats wrong with her.omg.i just cannot stand it.and i cant STOP LAUGHING!!!hahahaha!alright, i jsut ended work and i seriously think there is a problem with one of the senior staff joseph.he IS SO ANNOYING.such an idiot.always thinking that he is correct and ALWAYS ordering people around like he is the fucking manager.ARGH.pardon me, but im seriously annoyed by him.why must he be such an asshole.i just dont get some people.BUT, since i promised that i shall not confront or show my DISPLEASURE during worktime, i shall not.but i will still critcize this kind of scumbagshitass when i blog.if not, i will never get the chance to shoot my machine gunner mouth off about all the STUPID THINGS HE DO.okayy.ENOUGH CRAP.haha.time for bed and you know it.good night people.
mardi 18 décembre 2007 22:51
4o4 chalet has ended like freaking quick and it was so sad that everything ended in just twenty four hours.sobsob.and stupid THM asked SAMESAME to NOT BRING HER MAHJONG TILES, because that smartass thinks that SOMEBODY will definitely bring some mahjong tiles.that somebody must be her imaginary friend ahmoi.
and there was the BARBEQUE!haha.alot of food and alot of sweat.and the legacy of starting the fire slow lives on.and there was so much left over food that was uncooked.especially the chicken was madness when bingqi cooked two small mountains of chicken wings and they piled up like an infinite eruption of volcano lava.i totally lost my appetite for chicken over the next two days.haha.its not because that bingqi is the chef, but more like the chicken wings look like no matter how many you eat, the plate will still look untouched.oh, and i cooked nuggets!haha.satay flavoured,black pepper flavoured and honey glazed ones.but dont know why only me and THM enjoyed the honey glazed ones.(very nice what, i think shida and the rest have got tongue problems.)
in the afternoon me, samesame, joehan, jessica , jessie and thm went to escape.haha.and they sold free tickets to this group of people who were sadly tricked by theme park shouldnt even be called a theme park in any possible way.its more like a gigantic children's playground.there were only less than ten rides and and the most exciting ones were worst than the boring ones set up in woodlands and sengkang earlier this year.i think singapore is so lame.and i dont understand how people can afford to vomit on the windy but not exciting viking ship.maybe it was the impact caused by those screaming fat boys.
so we spent the whole night sharing ghost stories from junior colleges to polytechnics.and i couldnt stop sorry if i annoyed anyone, but i was really happy to be staying in the same room with my favourite class of my life.every single little detail, every single little lame thing, i just cant stop laughing about it.laughing and laughing and enjoying myself.playing bridge, slapjack, gossiping, criticising actors and actresses over the mediacorp awards and rolling around crapping in bed.all that fun, all that memory, although it has become vague and distant, but all i know was that i felt happy.and this feeling is going to last for the next few decades of my life.being with them, makes me feel carefree, makes me feel young again.studying in a polytechnic has seriously aged me mentally.
and here we go with the photos:

the small but cramped room with me myself giggling over nothing at one dark corner.

all the girls starting to look homely with all that contact lenses taken out.and THM with her stupid sng face.hahahha.

SAMESAME has a square head.hahahha!


HAHAHA!omg, he looks cramped.and by cramped i mean VERY cramped.

SAMESAME and her son by the toy ride.hahaha!


the loser for indian the MOUSTACHE? i drew them!!hahaha.

im sorry siokxin, but you need a responsible adult.hahahah! =P
the chalet was really fun.but i didnt join them at KBOX the next day cause i had to rush down for gyu kaku's dinner and dance. so tired and hectic can.and the worst thing was i overslept at home in the afternoon.and i woke up with my heart pumping in my brain.but good thing i reached on time and lucky i only JUST started drizzling before it went cats and dogs.i didnt win anything at the lucky draw, but got myself a coffee maker through the gift exchange.and it was one night of photo taking and inside jokes for the different branches' staffs.
good thing the party started after the dinner ended.hahaha!we went onenightstand and thearena.and sadly, it was a monday night.neither ladies' night nor office happy hour was monday's blue night, where the bars were empty and very much dead.but we still danced to ourselves and drank and played around.and after that we went back to tracy's was one night's stay and i finished half her bottle of red wine is the healthier choice!hahaa.but i kind of dislike the acidic feel it has down the throat.makes me feel sour.but staying over at tracy's house was really fun. :)
most of the other photos were with the rest, but here's some of mine:

on our way to the ballroom with janice on the left and pamela on the right.

and MY FAVOURITE KITCHEN STAFF. pretty and gorgeous.makes all man drool OKAYY.hahah.

mama MIA, here you go again.mia kinds of like closing her eyes when we take pictures.every single photo taken with her is jsut a waste of time.because she is either blinking or looking at somewhere else other than the camera.but she was all dancing queen at the dance floor when we went clubbing!haha.proster.
and here are some other crap photos:


and those traditional doll biscuit things you get in japan..

and here they are again..



and look at those ELEGANT FINGERS. guess whose are they.haahaha! HINT: her favourite sauce is the curry one.
IF ANYONE WONDERED WHERE JESSIE WENT THIS AFTERNOON, SHE SAID SHE WAS "SPEELING". HAHAHA,she was SLEEPING actually.ohmygod spastic.and TAYHUIMIN is the best slapjack player EVER.she says "EH" before she slaps the jack, so you have no troubles winning.hahahaha.and jessie PLEASE DO NOT FORGET MY STEEL EGGS FROM TAIWAN.hahaha!i suddenly remembered that i like to say "THIS FASHION CLOTHES ARE SO THAT FASHION". =,=" lazy to blog, but i shall reply some tags here.hahahah.
ZUHUI: yes the song is NICE!!!hahaha.and you spam not enough.chenyaan says you are comments.
ZHENGYAO: shut up lah you idiot.hahaha.ask you tag just tag,dont crap.
AMANDA: hahaha,oh my god.dont remind me can.
JASMINE: the blog's new.haha.and burgur king is not nice cause i have not seen it before.
CHENYAAN: sorry ma'am, you are not at the wrong address.and my blogskin is not BLOODY.hahaha.its WHITE.
CHANYITING: it was initially "click here to leave" but i realised i didnt put my name on this blog, so i just change it to "click here if you dont like alfred" hahahaha!lol.
JESSIE: are you online or are you not.hahaha! done.time to sleep.
samedi 15 décembre 2007 23:00
ALFRED says:
why ur blog nvr put the lovestoned lyrics liao
ALFRED says:
lovestoned so nice
AMANDA says:
haha yah
AMANDA says:
your guardian angel nicer
ALFRED says:
my guardian angel?
AMANDA says:
AMANDA says:
ALFRED says:
ALFRED says:
its a song ah
ALFRED says:
ALFRED says:
omg sorry amanda!!!hahahaha!spastic.
i wish someone will just give me some money to indulge very much a greedy pig and a fat sinner.and im getting paler by the day.i need a good tanning.sentosa anyone?haha.cant wait cant wait!tomorrow is my big day.and im so sure we are going to enjoy it cycling, slacking, watching SAW, BBQ-ing, mahjong-ing and bridge-ing all night LONG.omg so exciting.and i also cant wait for the company dinner.just finished ironing the shirt i bought for the function.and im collecting the grey jeans i sent for tapering tomorrow.hmms, so busy this two weeks.i havent pretty much gotten a well rest since the common tests only sleeping eight hours a day.and i cant let my body get used to should be sleeping and resting twelve hours a day, since its the holidays.i think the JONAS BROTHERS have nice songs.their songs are not bad actually.can go to to check them out.and my blog song is nice too.haha.Life's Like a Boat by Rie Fu (ending song for BLEACH). :))oh and by the way, fast foods are seriously nice.let me list down some of the nice ones! we have macdonalds , burger king, mos burger, subway and carl's junior.and most of these are actually quite healthy subway sandwiches and mos burger rice nice man.and delicious foods are a student's best friend.and good thing they come in variety.imagine eating the same thing everyday just because you want to get your food faster.thats so stupid.and did i mention the change of macdonald's service system?its horrendous.i miss the old system.its faster in a sense.thats that, faster in the sense of the people SERVING us, not the people waiting for the food.the reason being that they only open one counter for cashiering and they serve the customers asap so that they do not have to wait in long queues, BUT the catch is, they serve their food slower in the customers' point of view.this is because the cashiers serve the customers so fast that, the food preparers are unable to prepare the food fast enough for the customer, and by the time the food is prepared, the drinks are already diluted with the ice melted or the hot tea becoming cold tea.and the worst thing is, there is this redundancy of staffs at the counter area who have nothing to do since only one cashier is needed.the rest just stand around and pretend to be busy waiting for the food to be prepared.that is so dumb.the old system seems better,that, although customers wait in a long queue, when we are served at by the cashier, whatever we ordered will be served in a jiffy rather than fifteen or more minutes.and good thing this system change only applies to MOST of the macdonalds outlets and not all.if not i would not eat at macdonalds as it slowly become a slow-food restaurant serving cold food with diluted drinks.but then again, i may just be demanding too much from my usual favourite option of student dinner.shit.i make myself sound unhealthy with all that fast food talk.but its okay.i dont gain weight no matter how much i eat.i think im a martian.tsktskk.
YEAH. new blog and the stupid template problem is FINALLY solved.
yesterday went out with woman is damn sng and alot of funny stuff happened.we made a new friend called AMIN.hahahaha!very stupid omg.that guy really very funny and he is the pro-est joker i have ever met up till now in the past seventeen years.and i bought my MR MESSY shirt.hahaha.but the sleeves damn might as well be annoying.but its a nice oh well.indulge and over indulged.
i bought this cake cutter knife for the GYUKAKU company dinner exchange present.finally could decide on buying that item as it was kind of hard to think of a present that is unisexual and at the same time within the budget of ten to twenty bucks.and it looks damn nice.haha.its not just a basic knife cause it has a slice of strawberry cake for a handle.and its only sixteen its kind of ok for the budget.and you cant see it as im very much lazy to take a picture and upload it.maybe next time.hahaha.
and im so excited for sunday.which, in other words is TOMORROW!yepp.4o4o6 class chalet coming right up.although its only one night, but its good enough.and im very sure it will be fun and memorable.TAYHUIMIN CHENYAAN JESSIE and me were all talking about this overnight mahjong-bridge thing at one of their house.but it doesnt seem to be being planned much.haha.AND HUIMIN IS DAMN STUPID.we were talking about the possible places to go for playing the overnight meet up.and she came up with ideas such as going to macdonalds.haha, can you imagine, four brats playing mahjong in macdonalds in the dead of the night.gosh.and then she was talking about playing at the void deck of some unknown hdb flat.and the problem was, we would definitely get caught or be complained by the neighbours or something and so policemen might come.and she said, we could play the mahjong and bridge on a cloth.yes, a BIG SQUARE CLOTH and when the police come after receiving a complaint, we could use the cloth and wrap up the tiles and cards and run off.hahaha.omg.this is so tayhuimin. HAHAHA!and i called CHEW CHEN YAAN in the dead of the night to ask her something, which i forgot what thing, but she asked me to talk to her cause got some RUBBISH MAN BIKE RIDER FOLLOWING HER!!!AHAHAHAHAH!omg very sng.hahahaha! more, if not she will strangle me.
this week was crazy and mad thanks to our favourite common test.BUT, the holidays are here and its times for fattening ourselves!hahaha.sweet.the best thing is, i can work alot more and make alot more MONEYY.hahaha.tskktskk.
ok.enough crap. :))
vendredi 14 décembre 2007 01:47
testing one two three. lol.